Chapter 12- Abandoned

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The tension that had settled between herself and the king was not going away as Caledra had thought it would. Instead, through the passing weeks and months it intensified, and although she was at the Kings side day and night, they hardly spoke now and the distance grew.

Caledra herself wasn't sure what had caused this. Ever since that night at the party he had taken to ignoring her as much as possible now, and treated her practically no different than any other servant. She had wondered if he had grown tired of his little game, tired of her.

That should have made her happy. The faster he got over this strange grudge he held against her, the faster she could get away from him and this seemingly eternal servitude she had been wrapped in. However it did nothing but have the opposite effect on her, and she couldn't fathom why. Instead of being happy for her own freedom that was just around the corner, she was worried about not being able to see him anymore, to make sure he was doing well. She was anxious to know what would happen. Would she be sent back to the docks soon, have to go back to living life as a commoner? She hated to admit it, but she had grown accustomed to her new home, the palace itself. She loved the fine foods she ate (they were leftovers from feasts of course, but still) and she enjoyed the way things were in the upper class. She didn't want this to end.

She didn't know what she would do now, if he decided to end this charade. How was one supposed to start all over, when they had already done that to begin with? She could not figure out how to pick the pieces of her life back together should this happen.

So, in an effort to combat the Kings distance from her, she decided she could do one of two things. Either become extra attentive, and draw his interest back, or do nothing at all and prepare herself to fade into the Kings history. She decided to attempt and hold onto the lifestyle for now and became aware and attentive to all the Kings needs. However, he still did not respond to her enthusiasm.

It was if something had happened overnight to make the King tired of her.

Every night however he made one request of her; sing to him until he fell asleep, and then leave immediately after.


Caledra finished the last verse to the song and as usual, Thranduil lay still and asleep. He seems more natural like this, Caledra thought to herself, examining his sleeping face. The usually taut lines of stress that typically lined his face vanished, leaving only the soft features that the bliss of sleep brought with it. His stern face vanished as he slept, and Caledra couldn't help but sit a little while longer, watching and wishing as he slept. It was so peaceful, and felt so right. She stayed there longer than she had any other night, simply relishing the moment.

And then he started to scream.


Thranduil knew this was just a dream.

This had already happened.

And yet every time, he went through it as though it was the very first time it had happened.

Thranduil surveyed the carnage of the battle. Minimal loss for them, maximum loss for their enemy, so it seemed. The orcs had lost this battle, still, any elvish blood spilled was a pity. The golden etched armor that his armies bore was scattered loosely around the field, surrounded by the blunt iron armor and weapons of the orcs. He turned around on his elk, facing his remaining troops yet again, calling for his officers to gather up the bodies of their fallen comrades.

"My King..." One of them said hesitantly, voice filled with such sorrow and grief Thranduil had known it to be bad instantly. "There is a fallen lady. I'm so sorry-"

The King of Starlight and Lullabies (Thranduil x OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now