Chapter 2- The Party

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"And you're sure nobody will recognize us?" Auric said as they neared the party, rounding the spiraled staircase. He was practically jumping with both anticipation and anxiety. Caledra rolled her eyes at him, adjusting her uniform and eyeing him critically.
"If you continue to prance about like a child, perhaps." She said, causing him to stop fidgeting and smile at he sheepishly. She laughed. "Of course not. We have only ever associated with low class Silvan elves, of which they aren't here. We'll be fine, just try not to mingle too much, and use an alias if asked."
Auric nodded, "Right, that's right." he grinned, seeming thrilled with himself. "This is actually happening! I can't believe we're doing this!"
They continued to ascend before they found the room, guarded by two armored elves. Taking a deep breath and striding forward with confidence, Caledra and Auric stepped through the door, praying to not be stopped. To their joy they discovered that the guards hardly even looked after spotting their uniform, instead giving a nod of respect towards their 'commanding officers.' Caledra had to contain her laughter at this, and she could tell Auric did too.
But the party. Oh the party was magnificent! It was unlike anything that Caledra had ever seen! The sound of harps and a variety of other fanciful instruments filled the air, along with the joyous rancor of high elves. The room itself was marvelous, huge with long branches weaving in and out of the ceiling. Elves were dancing and drinking with merriment unhindered by the outside world. Caledra eyed some of the women's gowns enviously, wishing she had access to such expensive clothing. It's probably for the better I don't though, she thought, staring down at her uniform, I will probably attract less attention this way.
After losing sight of Auric through the crowd's festivities Caledra found herself alone, sipping a glass of the most delicious wine she had ever tasted, content. The party was dying down now, and she found herself refilling her wine glass and retiring to the balcony, gazing out at the silver moon.
The stillness of the night created such contrast with the loud, bright room she had just been in. After a moment of debating with herself in her head, she decided that she liked it out here more, alone with her glass of fancy wine.
"It's beautiful, isn't it? One of the only things left you could truthfully call so." A silky, deep voice sounded from behind her. However, before she could stop herself from answering and comprehending the situation she found her lips moving.
"In its own way."
A long pause, with nothing but the wind filling the silence. Caledra felt her breathing and heart rate pick up as she stayed focused on the night sky in front of her, still fixated on the moon.
Why did she answer him! Fool! She thought to herself angrily, wishing for nothing more at that moment than to curl up in a corner alone. She was probably overreacting. Auric had been heartily conversing with other elves all evening under an alias, and he seemed to have no trouble at all. It's fine, she forced herself to relax, he can't even see my face from this angle, especially in the dark.
"And what way would that be?"
Caledra closed her eyes as he spoke, trying to imagine an identity for him. Oh, his voice was so nice. She had heard none like it before. It was deep and strong, yet at the same time it seemed to shoot through her every bone, shaking her to the core with the pure elegance of it. It was one of those voices that took a presence in the room with only a mere whisper. How she wished she could turn around and see his face, if it matches what she was imagining. She probably could have, but she was much too nervous to do so.
"It's mysterious, perhaps even dangerous." Caledra murmured softly, not needing to raise her voice in the darkness, eyes still focused on the topic of their conversation. "Constantly shifting and changing in patterns. Sometimes it will be darker and some nights it will be full. Uncaring to those around it, and the world itself. If we were to all evaporate the cold moon would still continue to turn to shadow and light, still continue to make the seas ebb and flow. It's almost sociopathic, isn't it? Very dangerous that type."
"So you find beauty in danger?"
Caledra sighed, sipping her wine. "I suppose I do."
"Quite an odd quality to find beauty in. What if I said the moon was lonely?"
"I would wholeheartedly agree," Caledra said, suddenly becoming very, very tired.
"And why would that be?"
"Because," Caledra said, holding her hand up to the sky, the stars faintly twinkling around it. "It is surrounded by others who are nothing like it, they simply share the evening. The only one who could possibly understand it dies every night so he can live, and he every morning so that she may breathe."

"You have a clever mind. See to that you do not lose it." The voice said again, this time much closer. Before Caledra could move she felt long fingers grasp the wineglass she was holding, brushing against her hands before lifting the glass and drinking the last sip, returning the glass to her and leaving before she could muster up the courage to turn around. 

She sat there a long while longer, staring at the lonesome moon before turning back into the hall to find Auric.

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