Chapter 3- The Signature

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  "Dock number 2, new shipment, straight to the great hall!" Caledra yelled across the way to Auric who was hurrying over, ready to work. Caledra tossed him crate after crate, unloading the cargo onto the dock along with other deckhands. There weren't too many this time, thankfully, and it looked like they could get it all there in only a few trips back and forth.
She found herself thinking back to the party with a wistful sigh, dreaming she was there again. It had been a few days since that night and neither herself or Auric seemed to be under any suspicion to their delight. Everything seemed to have gone fine. Auric, who had never broken any rules since he was a child, had been a nervous wreck the day following the party. He was much calmer now that the imminent danger of getting found out was over.
"Head on back; I'll get this signed," Caledra mumbled to Auric once they had finished bringing everything inside. She waited, leaning on the boxes for someone to come and sign off on them. The minutes continued to tick by until she had been waiting a good hour.
She inhaled deeply, trying to bottle up her frustration. She hated when people did this; if you order something you should be there to pick it up at the requested time. That was common sense. She spun around, examining the large hall. There was hardly anyone in here that looked to be of authority. Just a couple of lowly servants and some guards who looked even more bored than herself.
In the distance, she heard feet slowly walking, making their way to the hall. Everything suddenly got hush, which was quite odd because it was already extremely quiet to begin with. Guards stood up straighter, servants hustled out of the room, even the crackling hearth seemed to dull down in his presence.
And entering the hall was the most beautiful elf she had ever seen.
He strode in elegantly, with more grace in a single finger than she had in her entire body. His blue eyes seemed to pierce right through her and she almost shivered from his gaze. His long platinum hair spilled over his shoulders in the most poised way imaginable, and atop his head was a crown crafted of leaf and berry.
Oh, by the Gods, he was coming straight towards her.
She tried her best to sit up straight and look presentable but by then it was too late. She held the document in her hand shakily. He was mere feet away now; all she had to do was get him to sign this. She put on her best smile and opened her mouth to speak-
And he was walked right by her.
She blinked, confused. Turning around, she saw him examining the crates already. She was still stunned, both by his beauty and the fact that he blatantly ignored her. She cleared her throat, arms crossed over her chest as she waited for his attention. He slowly lifted his gaze to her and she was almost frozen by the coldness of it.
"The contents?" He asked, his voice matching his appearance. It was rich and smooth and- by the Gods she recognized that voice. She could hardly contain her nerves after that.
This was the one she had talked to at the party.
Breathing out deeply and trying to remain calm, Caledra crossed her arm over her chest, bowing, realizing no matter how rude this elf must be he still was her superior. "I cannot say; I need a signature." Caledra said, attempting to sound confident, however her voice cracked halfway through her speaking.
His eyes actually got darker when she stated this, as his jaw squared and his face shone with visible annoyance. Caledra couldn't help but feel both amused and angered by this. Poor little elf has to sign a document. She could practically hear the violins playing.
"Are you aware of who I am?" He said softly, voice appearing even more powerful at that tone. Caledra gulped, licking her lips.
"No, I can't say that I do; I need a signature and then you can have all these and I can leave. It's a required policy. So if you will please sign this I'll be on my way."
He sneered at her, seeming to find something she said amusing before snatching the paper out of her hand and quickly scribbling on it. She let out a breath she had been holding this whole time.
He hadn't recognized her voice. That was good. It was odd that she felt a little saddened that he didn't remember at the same time.
As he went to hand the paper back, their hands brushed however, and his eyes seemed to spark with realization.
She froze, fear filling her as she felt his soft hands on her rough laborers hands, remembering him taking the wine glass from her and the moment their hands brushed then.
She couldn't detect what he was thinking exactly behind those eyes, but he twirled his hand to the guards who seized her immediately.
"Gather up the other dockmaster," he said, "take them both to the dungeon." He said, dismissing the guards and Caledra with the flick of his wrist. She dropped the paper, jaw open and eyes wide in fear at what was to come. As they dragged her away, she read the signature at the bottom.
Signed; Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm

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