23 : "conversation."

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"need some help?"

Semi muffled a light chuckle under his breath, stepping a bit closer towards the shorter who was understandably fumbling over the keys in his hand.

"it's this one, stupid" Semi reached his hand out and gently grabbed the key to the front door, looking down at Kenjirou who was furrowing his eyebrows in annoyance.

"i.. i know." He muttered.

"mhm, sure do."

The taller's hand brought itself up to Kenjirou's head, mussing it up a bit before resting his hand on the male's shoulder; trailing it down his back and settled on Kenjirou's waist, pulling both of their sides closer to one another.

A light click of the tongue could be heard from Kenjirou. Though seemingly annoyed of Semi, the tinge of red on his face contradicted his expression.

The taller pursed his lips together to muffle a laugh as Kenjirou failed to stick the key into the hole once again, this time it was because the key was upside down.

"stop laughing.." Kenjirou said, elbowing the other with all of his drunken strength, which was not much since he himself was somewhat tired.

"alright, alright. sorry" Semi let loose a grin before stepping behind Kenjirou's petite frame and pressing their bodies with one another, this time with his front against Kenjirou's back.

"here, let me help."

Semi's whisper hit against Kenjirou's ears, earning a small hitch of breath from the shorter who was now cornered in between Semi's arms.

The smell of alcohol lingered in the taller's nose, which danced rhythmically with Kenjirou's scent. Wether it be his normal perfume or his natural body scent, Semi could never get tired of it.

"..stop sniffing me."

"can't help it." He muttered, eyes fluttering shut comfortably.

His lips parted a bit, exhaling a breath after another whiff, the action repeated itself whilst one of his hand was expertly handling the keys and the other was placed suggestively on Kenjirou's waist.

Kenjirou's half-lidded eyes settled on the way Semi's slender fingers gripped onto the keys, before shoving said key into the keyhole.

The visible gulp that travelled down Kenjirou's throat didn't go unnoticed by Semi.

With his nose still buried against the male's neck, Semi pushed the door open slightly so he could have both of his hands free to give Kenjirou the attention he deserved.

"you smell so—" Semi's eyes fluttered open, sensing Kenjirou's hand reaching for the door frame.

He grabbed his hand tightly.

"—..so good."

The compliment threw him off, completely.

Kenjirou tilted his head back against Semi's shoulder, finally admitting to his drunken defeat as he put off the sober act he put up earlier.

He loosed a sigh.

"you're.. fucking weird.." He said, breathlessly.

His intoxicated brain caught up to him in an instant the moment Semi took another audible sniff on his neck.

"yeah?" Semi mimicked his tone.

"m-mh.." Kenjirou mewled, softly.

His left hand reached up to Semi's head, indolently letting his fingers run in between the taller's hair; tugging it a little to pull Semi away from his neck.

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