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   Ville winced with his eyes still closed, and took a slow deep breath in. He hissed, noticing how breathing in through his nose burned a little. A thin shaky hand came up to meet his nose and that's when he suddenly remembered the white cloth being pushed against his face. Just before he passed out there was a gloved hand, and a strong chemical smell that stung his eyes and nose. Everything spun around, there were trees, a black car, then pitch black darkness. 

   He gently cleared his throat and swallowed a little bit of saliva trying to ease the soreness there. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes at the frightening memory then darted them around; gazing at the unfamiliar place. The room was uncomfortably bright and had an immaculate shade of white. There was nothing else inside the room except for himself and hundreds of shiny bathroom tiles that lined the floors and walls of the small room. Ville sat up confused, and flinched at the sudden realization that he could feel the cold tiles with his bottom. He looked down at himself and began to desperately gasp for air. He quickly became horrified at the sudden realization that all his clothes had been replaced with a light blue paper gown. He glanced at his pale bare feet and felt his breath hitched.

Where are my clothes? I'm completely naked. My coat. Where's Migue and Linde...what the fuck is this? Where am I?

   Ville scooted backwards towards a wall and began to wheeze. Oh no, please not now. His long thin legs shook under his double digit weight making him doubt his capability to walk. Bracing himself with both hands, he then tried to get to his feet. The fear and shock from the unpleasant surprise of waking up to what felt like some sort of bad joke, had suddenly made him forget how to use his legs. Like a baby deer, he then tumbled down to the floor hitting the side of his face on the tile. His chest began to tighten giving him the feeling of breathing through the world's thinnest straw.

" please help me!"

   Anxiety, hopelessness, and helplessness crept into him taking Ville's panicked mind hostage. He rolled over on his back and tried his best to breathe, while his confused thoughts tried to override his need to breathe over his need to cry and scream. His toes curled in desperation, as he felt his possible last breath. Ville frowned knowing that if he wasn't naked, he could easily just reach into his pant pocket and grab his asthma medication. If whomever took him wanted him dead, this would grant their wish for sure. I can't breathe...A tear rolled out of the corner of his eye and rolled down to his ear when he realized he couldn't breathe in anymore. Panic and the lack of oxygen had finally paralyzed him. His body had become his prison. I don't want to die...someone please help me...Help...Help me...

   His body began to lightly shake as he felt his own sickness suffocating him, when the door to the room opened and there was suddenly someone kneeling next to him. He felt someone calmly pick him up by his torso, and then an arm cradle his head. His eyes became heavy the more his body relaxed welcoming death. Ville's lips slightly parted when the person holding him jammed something familiar in his mouth.


   Ville heard the command of a young woman and tried to breathe recognizing the smooth texture of the inhaler, but was unsuccessful. His eyes remained closed while he felt his body being tugged up then shoved against a wall. The woman slapped him lightly, parted his lips, then inserted the inhaler in his mouth again.

"Come on Ville, breathe."

   Ville tried to breathe once more, and managed to get a little air inside his almost lifeless body. He felt like smiling at the small victory, but didn't and instead focused on breathing. Whomever this woman was had just saved him and he couldn't be more thankful. As he took another shaky breath his mind came back to life, and raced with a billion questions that begged for answers.

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