What is...Love?

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A few days later: Dinner time

   "Okay, so I think that the best course of action would be to try to sneak out during dinner time." Liz spoke in a low voice in the crowded cafeteria and took a bite of her sandwich. She chewed thoroughly and eyed Ville intently while she swallowed her chewed up food. "You would exit the cafeteria like you always do, but instead of having a cigarette with Peter you're going to take a right twice.." Liz went on like she'd been doing so for the last five days since she promised she would help him escape. Ville balled a fist and stuck it under his chin to rest his head, his elbow rested on the table while he tried his best to listen to Liz. He stared down at his plate thoughtfully and used a fork to play with a meatball that sat on a small mountain of spaghetti. He felt his stomach churn at the heavy cheese and tomato scent and he squeezed his eyes shut. Liz chugged her iced tea and went on "Then in that broom closet, there's a crawl space that leads to a maintenance area..." Liz looked up from her turkey sandwich and noticed how absent Ville looked from their conversation. His mind was definitely elsewhere, and he seemed crestfallen. She hushed for a moment and lightly waved her hand in front of his face. "Heellooo? Ville...are you in there?"

   Ville broke away from his trance and timidly looked up at her. "yes?" Liz exhaled, peeved at the rockstar's lack of interest. "I've been talking to you about our plan and your attention is elsewhere. What's wrong? is it the food?" Ville toyed with a few strands of spaghetti and beamed remembering the way Till cuddled him that morning. "Everything's fine darling" He said blushing. The nurse noticed the glowing smile and was taken aback by his odd response. There was something off about Ville, something she had noticed since that first morning when he provided the sperm sample on his own. She gave him a scrutinizing stare, hating the fact that she didn't understand what was happening to him. "I was saying that there's a crawl space you can take to get to a maintenance area. It's a bit of a labyrinth but it's a guaranteed way out of this place." Ville's smile faded and slowly turned into a frown. It was a guaranteed way out of this place, and out of Till's life. He felt his heart sink at the thought of never seeing him again and just when he thought he couldn't surprise himself anymore. It quickly dawned on him that he had picked up a new drug in this place, as if it was possible to leave the clinic addicted to other drugs. Till's affection was his drug of choice now.

   Everyday that passed there he spent thinking about the next time he would see Till. Every minute of every hour was like an itch that burned within him until he was in Till's arms again. What was more hard to believe was that up until this point they had only kissed, cuddled, and held hands. Anticipation and anxiety plagued his body at the very thought of intimacy with the German giant. He couldn't fathom what lovemaking would feel like, but he'd imagined it would be a beautiful experience. He softly chuckled, earning a peeved glare from Liz. She sighed and crumbled the wax paper that was used to wrap her sandwich and threw it on the table. She was about to speak when a deep voice was heard by their table. "May ve sit here?" Both Liz and Ville looked up and saw Till holding on to the handles on Cillian's wheelchair. Ville beamed brighter than the sun itself and turned to look at Liz who was giving him a perplexed stare. "Can they sweetheart?" Ville pleaded, Liz softened her wry gaze. "Umm.." The nurse tripped over her words, feeling as if she unknowingly entered another dimension. "Yes, of course. Please sit down. I'm going to get myself a dessert from Grizelda. Do you need anything Ville?" The Finn's cheeks flushed and he looked down at his full tray, and shook his head bashfully. "No thank you darling. I'm alright." The young nurse tiptoed away a few feet, then looked back at the scene completely bewildered. She continued to make her way to Grizelda making it safe for Till to sit by Ville.

   They looked at each other in silence and exchanged a smile. Their hands searched for each other under the table until they clasped them together. "How has the rest of your day been?" Ville leaned in closer trying to hold himself back. If it wasn't for the crowd of people in the cafeteria he would be all over the handsome orderly. "It vas a little slow. No one tried running avay today, but that's good. The morning was my favorite part." Till replied, a dreamy smile spread across his lips as he remembered the sweet kisses they exchanged that morning in Ville's room . They continued to hold hands, their fingers laced together tightly, as if they were afraid of letting go of one another even for a moment. it was clear that their attention was solely focused on each other.

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