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   Till watched Ville slip into a pair of clean gray sweatpants followed by a sweatshirt of the same color. He waited by the door patiently and felt the adrenaline begin to fuel him as he watched Ville put on a pair of hospital slippers. His glance traveled up to the Finn's face that had blood smeared all around his mouth and nose. Till waited for Ville to walk towards him. They both stared at each other for a moment in silence. The orderly reached up and cupped Ville's cheek then flashed him a sad broken smile. "Are you ready to go?" Till whispered, waving his key card in front of the door. The door clicked but before Till could open it he leaned forward, and tenderly captured Ville's blood stained lips with his own. The Finn hummed into the kiss and smiled back at the orderly, who in return reached for the door knob.

   Once outside of room A-23 Till began to walk casually and reached for his belt, he took out the radio turning the volume up and pushed a button on the side with his thumb. The orderly brought the radio up to his face and spoke loud and clear. "Code Yellow...curryvorst" Till kept his radio on hand and momentarily glanced at Ville who nervously walked next to him. "Ve're going to Z hall, hopefully Liz can meet us there vith Cillian" The Finn nodded and continue to scurry next to his gargantuan lover. There were so many things crossing his mind. He was afraid of getting caught, but excited to finally leave. He still had a lot of unanswered questions, like how long had Till been there? Had the orderly also been taken like he had? Did he have friends or family looking for him? Ville blinked rapidly trying to keep his thoughts from consuming him and noticed he was trailing behind Till. The orderly hovered the radio in front of his face "Come in Liz, do you copy? Code Yellow...curryworst" Till began to move a little quicker as he passed V hall, everything was clear when the orderly suddenly noticed nurse Lillian turning the corner.

   She walked slowly behind a medical cart loaded with clean sheets and blankets when Till caught her eye. She peeked over the stack of clean sheets on her cart and giggled flirtatiously at the stunned orderly "Mornin' Till, almost bumped into you honey." She brushed a strand of blonde hair behind her ear and blew a perfect pink bubble with her gum, popped it then used her tongue to drag it back into her mouth. "Guten Morgen, gnädige Frau. Excuse me." Till continued to walk rapidly with Ville close by when he heard nurse Lillian's voice again. "Wait a minute Till, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to have a cup of coffee togeth..." As nurse Lillian let go of the cart and stepped aside, Ville's bloody face caught her attention. She stared up and down at him wide eyed, her flirtatious demeanor quickly faded and was replaced with concern. "Oh my God, are you okay honey?" She cooed softly directing her attention at Ville. The young Finn gulped and nodded frantically "I'm fine thank you, it's just a nose bleed. Cold dry air does that to me. Ville tried to flash a convincing smile, but Lillian's eyes traveled from his face to Till's bloodied fists. Till gave her a deadpan stare and hid his hands behind his back, "It's a medical condition, I'll take care of it. Don't vorry." Nurse Lillian's jaw remained slacked while she continued to stare at Ville's bloodied face, then back at Till. She had a suspicion that the orderly had hurt the handsome patient. "Would you like me to take him to Dr. Xanders or the nurse's station, that way you can get back to your rounds?" The nurse peeped with a slight frown. Her voice was almost too quiet for Till to hear. The orderly gulped and kept his stoic stare glued on her. "No thank you. Ve're actually on our vay to Dr. Xanders now. Gut day." Till slightly bowed his head instead of waving goodbye and continued to walk towards Z hall leaving the nurse frightened and worried by her cart.

   Ville smiled and waved back, somewhat easing her concern for him. The orderly picked up his pace and squeezed his radio nervously "Stay close to me." He breathed with a faint tremble in his voice. As they turned to Z hall Till brought the radio up to his face again and pushed the button on the side "Code yellow...curryvorst...come in you copy?" Till hurried down Z hall with Ville lightly jogging to keep up with him. The orderly dashed past a few doors then halted in front of a bright red door that read 'Restricted' in bold black letters. Ville looked over his shoulder, cowering and leaned against the wall twiddling his thumbs. He hoped that no one else would approach them and glanced up at the orderly who appeared to be just as nervous as he was. Till stood casually by the door and paused for a moment. He swallowed hard and brought the radio back up to his face again. "Code yellow...curryworst...come in you copy" There was no reply. He glanced at Ville, then back at the door, then to Ville again. "Vhy isn't she answering?" He whispered.

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