Till's heart burns

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   Back in the facility Ville wondered about the quiet endless hallways. There was no one around and the only sounds were the beeping of monitors from afar and his own soft breathing. The lights had been dimmed down throughout the whole building which made him a little nervous. Has everyone gone to bed already? The young rockstar frowned and realized he had missed Liz' visit. He looked around and it quickly dawned on him that he didn't know where his room was. Then walked slowly down a random hallway and scratched his head looking at the rows of doors that all seemed to be the same. Ville became riddled with worry when he suddenly heard a graveled male voice behind him. "Are you lost, ya?" Ville quickly turned on his heel,startled to find himself staring at a chest dressed in pristine white scrubs. There was a bit of chest hair that poked out of the v neckline of the scrubs. His eyes quickly darted up and he gasped when he saw Till's face.

   "Here I can help" Till moved closer to the rock star causing him to back into the wall. Ville's knees buckled and he felt his lungs wheeze when Till gently placed a large hand on his chest. "Let's see here, Vhere does this kitty belong?" Till softly moved Ville's hair out of the way then tilted his head exposing his thin pale neck. For a minute, the rock star feared for the worst and frowned at the possibility of The German giant picking him and throwing him; like he'd done to Cillian in the cafeteria. Till pulled the hem of the young rock star's sweater away from the back of his neck to inspect it , and read it out loud "A-23. I can valk you there...vhat is your name?" Ville remained speechless and stared at him wide eyed. The orderly soften his intimidating expression then delicately caressed the rock star's face with his fingertips, and spoke softly looking into his eyes. "Vhat's in a name? That vhich ve call a rose, by any other vord vould smell as sweet." Till brushed Ville's hair back and admired his soft neck and milky white skin. "So schön"

   The orderly delicately ran a large rough thumb over the bottom of Ville's lip, and moved his face closer to the petrified rock star. Ville kept his eyes fixed on his face, surprised to have Till so close. He noticed his small pores, and the occasional pock marks and scars that randomly adorned his skin. He noticed the way his eyelids had a slight droop over his stone blue eyes. In spite of his strong physique and rough exterior his eyes hid something mournful behind them. Perhaps old stories and secrets. He ghosted his thin lips over Ville's and softly inhaled his scent which made the patient's knees quake. "You've been drinking, and shmoking." The orderly noted. He gently cupped the rock star's face in his hands and leaned in closer "My name is Till and I'm going to take good care of you." He paused and looked into Ville's eyes, searching for any hint of guilt, and instead found fear. "I'm sorry, '' Ville whispered, then swallowed dryly. His jaw trembled and he gritted his teeth while a few tears rolled down his face. "Please don't hurt me". Ville muttered out of breath, then squeezed his eyes shut remembering the immense force Till used with Cillian that evening. His legs trembled and he felt his bladder threatening him. The orderly ran both thumbs over his delicate cheeks." shhh, I vont tell anyone. I promise. It vill be our little secret ya?"

   Till's voice was so soft, polar opposite of what Ville had heard earlier in the cafeteria. "You're safe vith me" he whispered and leaned in closer, making VIlle's heart race. The corners of his mouth tugged downward and he hung his head in defeat, and broke down. He wheezed loudly in between cries and instinctively rubbed his chest. Till noticed this and immediately reached for the radio on his belt while he still held Ville's face with the other hand. "I've got a patient roaming in the halls. He's from room A-23 and he is wheezing. Over." Ville looked up at him agitated, breathless, and for some odd reason, feeling betrayed.

   The orderly stared at him, concerned and used one finger to lift the rockstar's chin noticing how Ville was gasping for air "Don't cry. Crying makes it harder to breathe. It vill be okay." Till's radio beeped and Ville whimpered as soon as he heard Dr. Xanders through the static of the speaker. "Take him to his room stat! I will send a nurse with his medication." Till nodded as if she were there with them, and put the radio back on his belt. He moved closer to Ville who was wheezing, sweating, and trying to steady himself by holding on to the wall. He flinched when saw the orderly bend down and wrap one muscular arm around his knees and the other arm around his upper body, then effortlessly picked him up. The rock star felt like a rag doll in the orderly's thick, solid arms. He surprised himself when he relaxed in the warmth of Till's body and began to close his eyes. "I'm going to take care of you, okay?" Ville nodded, feeling the knot in his stomach begin to unravel. "Okay" He wheezed.

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