Fresh Meat

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   Liz held her breath and waited for Dr. Xanders to slam the door shut, before she exhaled a breath of relief, then swiftly made her way to VIlle. She felt her anxiety pulling on her strings as if she were a puppet; making her move one foot in front of the other. She unscrewed the cap off the sample collection cup and proceeded to quickly explain herself to her new patient.
"Listen, you don't want the P.E.S.A procedure. Even though an anesthetic is used, sometimes it doesn't work on time. You'll feel everything. It's painful. You don't want that, trust me."
Ville gave her a stunned look, squeezing his legs together to somehow protect his body from whatever unknown horror awaited him. He held himself tightly and felt a new kind of fear wash over him. Liz wrote something on a piece of paper that came with the clear plastic cup then placed it on a paper towel right next to Ville who immediately began to shiver.

"What is it? What will she do to me?" He asked with a mortified look on his face.

Liz hesitated for a moment, biting her bottom lip as she contemplated how much to tell him.

"She...she's gonna Well, it's horrible really. Let's just say it involves needles and your testicles" She shuddered and looked away, unable to meet his gaze.
Ville's eyes widened in disbelief, but then panic flared in them. "No! Please don't let her do that to me. Please."

Liz winced, feeling guilty but knowing that she couldn't change anything. "I'm sorry, I can't help it. You're just another patient to her. But there's something you should know. There are other men here. Men like you. Men who were taken from their lives, just like you." She gestured to the room around them and whispered. "They're all here. Just waiting to be used, but eventually they are set free. You won't be here forever, Ville. You'll be okay. Do as I say and you'll be fine."

Ville's heart ached at the thought of other men going through the same thing he was, and couldn't imagine what kind of a sick person would do this to someone. Liz quickly put on a pair of latex gloves, snapping them at the end against her wrists. She momentarily looked over her shoulder anxious about the time catching up to her. She felt her stomach sink and stared into Ville's teary eyes.

"Alright, I'm going to stroke your member and try to help you provide the sample. Just...try to relax and close your eyes. Picture...I don't know, maybe your girlfriend giving you sweet kisses and all that soft stuff you like. Okay?"
The empathetic nurse cupped Ville's cheek with one of her gloved hands before proceeding. He squeezed his eyes shut and frowned, turning his head to the side. Liz moved swiftly, carefully positioning one end of an odd plastic tube over Ville's limp member. it was soft, see through, and made out of gel like material. She took a deep breath, and screwed the collection cup at the other end. Liz rested one hand on Ville's protruding hip bone feeling the warmth of his skin against her own. With the other hand she carefully slid the tube over his limp penis. She squeezed the end of the odd contraption and began to stroke him in a moderate rhythm, causing him to flinch. His eyes widened, and his body tensed.
"No, please...wait..sweetheart" He stared down at his privates in shock.

As she worked on his soft member, Ville tried to focus on anything else but the invasive procedure. He shut his eyes again and looked away. He thought about his family, his friends, his life before this nightmare began. He wondered if anyone missed him, if they'd ever find out what had happened to him. If he ever made it out alive out of here and told anyone, would they believe him? Liz stroked him harder and faster, her breath warm against his skin. He squeezed his eyes tightly and rested a hand over his face, feeling a strange mix of shame and arousal. She was very skilled, her touch firm but gentle, and he could feel himself starting to respond despite his fear. It had been so long since a woman touched him, but no one had ever touched him like this.

"There we go...that's it"

As he grew harder, Liz continued to stroke him, trying to encourage the flow of semen. She glanced at the clock, feeling rushed to get it all. Liz smiled to herself when she noticed that Ville's penis had begun to moisten the inside of the tube. The veins that randomly coiled around his member pulsated making the young nurse blush. Her mouth watered but she quickly swallowed, clearing her throat. She had to stay focused despite the intriguing scene in front of her. Time was running out. She knew that if they didn't get the sample soon, Dr. Xanders would return and Ville would have to endure the P.E.S.A extraction. Ville's breathing became ragged, his muscles tensing more as he fought against the sensations that threatened to overwhelm him. He felt the familiar pressure building inside, and the urge to release it. Despite the pleasurable sensations, he wanted this to be over. He wanted to go back to his life, and forget this event.

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