What's on the menu?

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    It had been a very productive morning for Dr. Xanders, but more than productive it had been somewhat surprising. She adjusted the lens on the microscope and it focused on the slide underneath. There were a few blood cells that floated casually around fast swimming sperm cells. The doctor smiled and shook her head, amused at her new finding. Liz sat by her with her clipboard on hand ready to jot down anything Dr. Xanders might say. "Interesting. Liz, did you know that Ville's sperm sample from last week has blood cells in it?" The young nurse looked up, surprised and shook her head. "no I didn't. How did blood get in there?" Liz tried her best to feign ignorance on the matter, but considering how she found Ville the last time he provided the sample. Blood cells mixed in with semen was no surprise at all. Dr. Xander's moved away from the microscope and smiled wickedly at her favorite nurse. "it's Till's blood."

    Liz stared at her, wide eyed. and felt a sinking sensation pool at her feet. "What?" She uttered, suddenly horrified. "Till?" She stammered, struggling to string a sentence together. "How did Till's blood get in there?" The young nurse's face fell, she had countless questions. "Wait...What?...How...how do you know it's Till's blood?" Dr. Xanders smiled again, but this time she rolled her eyes and leaned against the lab table. "Oh Liz, you know I have everyone's dna information on file. All the men that have ever been patients here." She chuckled darkly, running a hand through her long blonde ponytail. "I didn't think that I would see manifestations of A-23's mutation this soon, but I guess. It was just a matter of time." Liz bore a hole through Dr. Xanders with her stare, still confused. She rested her clipboard on her lap desperately trying to understand where the doctor was going with her train of thought. "What's Ville's mutation? What did you find?" Dr. Xander's adjusted her glasses and turned to face Liz, her look was serious, but seretive. She stared into the nurse's eyes and thought for a moment. "If I told you, you wouldn't believe me. You'd think I'd lost my mind."

    The nurse blinked rapidly, feeling curious, bewildered, and a little frightened. "What is it? I'm sure I can handle it." Liz leaned closer to the doctor when she shook her head and stared straight ahead. "I have a better idea. I can just show you." Liz thought for a moment and simply nodded wondering what could Dr. Xander's be talking about. "I'll have one of the orderlies bring A-23 over in the meantime be a doll, and take a bag of fresh, type A+ blood out of the refrigerator please." Liz hesitated for a few seconds, still confused but made her way to the refrigerator where there were dozens of bags filled with all the different blood types. She looked back at Dr. Xanders who was holding up a radio to her face and summoning the assistance of an orderly. Liz looked through the refrigerator and gulped after spotting an A+ bag. She snatched it, and shut the icy cold door then stood there for a few moments waiting for further instructions from the mysterious doctor. Dr. Xander's sat the radio down and wrote something down on a form that she had just attached to another clipboard by the microscope. "Did you find the right type of blood Liz?" She asked, still jotting something down on the piece of paper. Liz nodded and began to make her way back to the doctor "Yes, it's right here." The blonde looked up from the clipboard and adjusted her glasses "Good. Now hold it against your body. We want to warm it up a little before A-23 gets here." Still puzzled and now growing more concerned Liz obeyed, and held the blood bag over her chest waiting quietly by the Doctor. A few moments later a loud beep echoed throughout the laboratory, followed by the sound of the swinging double doors. Liz snapped her head up and witnessed a clueless Ville enter the lab. He walked by an orderly with an average build and russet brown hair. His face was stoic and Liz could see a few tattoos peering from under his white scrubs. "Thank you Aleksander. Leave the room, but stand by in case I require your assistance.

    The quiet orderly nodded and promptly did as he was told, leaving an unsuspecting Ville behind. The rockstar toyed with his fingers and retracted his long arms into the sleeves of his sweatshirt. He gripped the hem from the sleeves and brought it to his mouth. He stood there timidly and stared at the doctor then waved at Liz as soon as the young nurse caught his eye. Liz smiled at him and quietly waved back clutching onto the blood bag. "Good afternoon A-23. Please take off your clothes, and just set them on the lab table or the chair by Liz" Ville stood there quietly and hugged himself. He looked at Liz with a questioning stare and mumbled behind his sweater sleeve. "What's going on?" Liz turned to Dr. Xander's who was already making her way towards Ville with a pen light and gloved hands. "I'm just going to do a quick assessment, but I need you to take off your clothes. Nothing is going to hurt. As a matter of fact, I think you might enjoy it."

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