Twenty one questions

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"Follow me"

   Ville's uncertainty froze him in place, making him hesitate for a moment. He followed the young nurse quietly outside the room where he noticed dozens of other nurses walking in and out of rooms that lined a long, almost infinite corridor. There were some men that smiled behind the young women, back into what he assumed were their bedrooms. Which helped Ville settle his nerves a bit. He still didn't feel comfortable with the idea of ejaculating into a cup against his will, but the men were smiling, which confused him. He wondered if they too were threatened with a so-called Till and a syringe by Dr. Xanders. His nurse stopped in front of a locked door and he observed her closely while she unlocked it and motioned him to walk inside.

Ville tipped toed inside and took a good look around. There was an examination table next to a metal trash bin, a chair, and a table with a tray on it which displayed an assortment of surgical tools. Most of which he had never seen before but they looked absolutely dreadful. The young singer shuddered when a scalpel and a large pair of scissors caught his eye. He crossed his arms attempting to give himself a calming hug when the young nurse turned a knob by the door. Making the examination room a little bit brighter, but not enough to cause discomfort to Ville. The nurse gave him a small smile trying to give him some reassurance, and gently tapped the metal table signaling him to sit down.

"Please sit down Ville..."

The rock star obeyed quietly and hopped onto the table still hugging himself.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions, examine you, then I'm going to get a sperm sample for Dr. Xanders. It shouldn't take long, and I promise it wont hurt. Ok?"

Liz coed then scooted the chair closer to the examination table, so that it would face the anxious singer. She sat down and tried to give a comforting smile to her new patient, who was now looking down at his lap twiddling his thumbs. His long, frizzy, brown hair draped over his face concealing it from her wandering eyes. Her smile slowly faded and she looked down at the questions on her clipboard trying her best to focus on her work, despite the presence of the beautiful stranger. Liz felt her stomach flip. It's okay Liz it's just another patient. You can do this. She cleared her throat, then clicked the top of her ballpoint pen and got ready to jot down information about the mysterious young man.

"How old are you?"

Ville continued to play with his thumbs and answered the young nurse's question without raising his head. Much to her disappointment.

"Twenty five."

She blinked rapidly and scribbled his response down, then purposely stalled re-reading the next few questions over and over again. The young nurse bit her lower lip and felt a bizarre mixture of emotions suddenly hit her. Something she never felt before. She felt bad about asking her new handsome patient such intrusive questions, but she was also curious, and wanted to know more about the man. So with a constant fluttering in her stomach and the usual questionnaire on hand, she went on.

"When was the last time you had intercourse?"

Ville shrugged and kept his head down. Unsettled with the inquisitive question.

"I don't remember. Maybe. Maybe a year ago."

The sound of his baritone voice echoed and bounced off the walls of the room, that reverberated in the young nurse's chest. Liz raised her eyebrows and blinked rapidly in disbelief. How can such a handsome man not have sex for a whole year? She imagined that with his good looks and fame he'd be sleeping with every woman who would cross his path. She looked back down at her clipboard in disbelief and wrote down the singer's answer, then read the next question trying not to sound too curious.

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