Beginning of the end

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  Ville instinctively looked up, turned his head and saw Till through the thin window of his bedroom door staring at him. He smiled, innocently waved at him and knocked on the glass. Ville stared at him wide eyed and frantically put his member away afraid; wondering how much the orderly had seen. He felt his blood rush to his chest and his breath got caught in his throat. Till let himself in and smiled at him tight lipped. He had a gray food tray with him, and he carefully sat it down on the bedside table. Ville sighed and rolled his eyes feeling the sudden tension leave his body. Of course, breakfast. How could he forget? It was the tenth day he had been through this and the tenth day that Till brought it for him. Like clockwork the German giant would bring him a tray with food that would be mostly left untouched, and a trinket of some sort. Yesterday he had brought in a tiny basket that he'd weaved in his spare time, and the day before an origami heart made out of a magazine page from the activity hall. "I hope you're hungry today. There's a lot of yammy food on your plate." Till sat down next to an alarmed Ville on the bed, and timidly glanced down avoiding the rock star's stare. "Thank you." Ville murmured apprehensively. Till smiled sheepishly and reached into his shirt pocket. "I vas valking around the garden this morning, before verk and I picked this for you." Till took out a velvety black petunia and gave it to Ville who stared at it wide eyed then chuckled in disbelief, hovering a hand over his mouth. His fear slowly fading away. The orderly gave him a puzzled look and patiently waited for the Finn to take the flower.

"Oh my...Peter's gonna Kill you." Till gave Ville an enamored stare, admiring the way his green eyes sparkled when he laughed while taking the flower. The rock star delicately ran a long finger over a velvet petal and placed the dark flower under his nose. It was heartwarming to see him this way. Happy. Even if it was just fleeting. It stung his heart to always see him so scared, withdrawn or on the verge of tears. This was the first time Till had ever seen him smile, and it was like seeing the sunrise for the first time. Ville took in the delicate scent, and pierced Till's eyes with his stare. "It's beautiful. Thank you." Till smiled bashfully, and rested his large arms over his thighs as he sat comfortably; basking in Ville's presence."Peter can Kill me or hurt me if he vants to. Your smile is vorth all the pain in the vorld." He turned his head and admired Ville's face as he examined the flower, then slowly brought up his gaze to meet his. The Finn looked at him in awe. He let his eyes wonder down from Till's eyes to his lips where he had a cut that was not fully healed. Ville brought his hand up and delicately traced the wound, his thin long fingers barely making contact with the orderly's skin. The German giant exhaled peacefully, closed his eyes, and leaned into the Finn's soothing touch. "I noticed this at the beginning of the week. What happened?"

Till smiled, a little sadly, remembering how Dr. Xanders whipped him everywhere with the riding crop."It vas an accident. I vas moving a vheelchair up in a storage room, and it slipped and hit me on my face." He paused, then shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant. "It vas nothing." But Ville didn't believe him. He could see a different story in his eyes, and it left him with more questions. "It looks deep.." Ville's fingers continued to trace the healing wound on the orderly's lips."It vas deep enough to need stitches." Till admitted, looking a bit embarrassed. "but I didn't vant to tell anyone, I vas supposed to be vorking..." He trailed off, looking down at the floor. "It vas stupid." Ville continued to trace Till's lips as his eyes traveled down to the orderly's arm. Where he spotted old scars, as well as burn marks that were in the shape of little perfect circles. He delicately graced his hand across Till's arm and felt old scar tissue in almost every inch. There really wasn't a section where he couldn't feel a raised line. "You have a lot of accidents don't you?"

The rock star paused, suddenly regretting asking such a personal question. He looked up at the orderly, searching for any signs of anger or resentment, but only found sorrow. Till studied Ville's face, the sincerity in his eyes, and the warmth of his touch. He let out a long slow breath and decided to confide in him "It's not just's...vell..." He hesitated, not sure how to put it into words. "I've made some mistakes..." he started, then trailed off, unsure if he should continue.

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