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"You're my everything, I love you through everything."

Harry's POV

I hesitantly knocked on the door, sniffling as I sighed heavily, my hands steady behind my back.

The door immediately opened, revealing an equally as distraught lover of mine. Once lover of mine.

"Harry," she cried, throwing her arms around my neck as she tangled her fingers through my hair, holding onto me as if I would disappear any second. I remained still, my hands behind my back, because I knew I would not be able to resist from her touch if I did return the embrace.

"Please, I need to talk, we need to talk," she said, pulling away. I nodded curtly as she walked in, following her.

"I'm so sorry, you know I love you, I never wanted to hurt you,"

"The damage is done, Dani. Just, please tell me,"

"Tell you what? I love you Harry,"

"Is that your way of breaking up with me?"


"Please, answer me. You're leaving soon...and I need to know. I'm sorry I blew up on you...I never wanted you to see me that angry but I couldn't help it."

"I...don't want you to feel like I'm holding you back from new experiences...I can't picture you with anyone else but at the same time, I don't want to be a burden. You're young, talented, handsome, sweet, everything someone looks for. Every woman wants you...I don't know how to answer you, really...I thought that'd be up to you."

I scoffed, "Up to me? You take a job that's fucking international and don't tell me, now you're leaving me to decide what to do with our relationship? I'm not too sure you even know what a real relationship is, Dani."

"You...you told...you begged me not to hurt you...yet you've just torn me apart. You broke me...I just...wanted you to love me..."

"I admit I haven't had the best experience with relationships, but you showed me love. Everything about you is love. I do love you, Harry. I meant every word I've said,"

"Why didn't you tell me, we...we could've thought of ways to fix things...you didn't even bring it up. Not once."

"Please...I tried...it was so hard not telling you. The guilt, it was- is still eating me alive. I'm so sorry, I, I don't know what else to say...I love you, Harry."

"I don't know what to say, either, s'all a mess...a complete mess."

"I'm a mess, not you. I don't deserve you, you can have anyone, and they'd be better for you than I am...than I ever was..."

This time I silenced her, pressing my lips against her wet lips as I took in the moment, since it might be the last time...for a while.

After a few minutes of our silent relapse, I pulled back, my forehead pressed against hers as I tried my best not to wrap my arms all over her body and just hold her. I couldn't stay mad, I didn't know how to.

"Look at us," I whispered. We were both in complete disarray, our contact enough, though, to bring us back to sanity.

"Look at you," I whimpered, a salty tear sliding down my cheek as my masculinity completely thrown out the window. I gently rubbed the back of my fingers over her cheeks, wiping away the droplets that've stained her precious face and immediately reaching up to brush away the fresh ones.



"Please...let me," she nodded, accepting my plead as I continued.

"I'm a mess...without you. Fuck, we're both messed up. I'm still...upset...and I don't know how things are going to go from here...but I want you to be my mess, still."

"I can't have you be someone else's...miles away...doesn't matter...I still just want you...I just...I can't believe you'd keep something like this from me and tell me the last goddamned day."

She winced, but soon after nodded, more tears falling.

"I love you, too. I do, I really do...I don't want anyone else...they don't give me the feeling that you do. The love that you do. We have things to work on, but for now, you need to go, Dani. Get on that plane, we'll work things out later."

Her small smile quickly fell as she scrunched her eyebrows together. She visibly paled, disappointed.

"Harry, we can't- I can't leave on bad terms with you, I love you, I don't want to work things out later...we need to deal with this. It's my fault I know, but please..."

"Dani, we will talk later, and work it through. I won't give up on you...but maybe a little bit of space won't hurt. What we had...what we have is worth too much to let go. You have the...you have what someone looks for in every girl they meet...hoping they're the one that'll understand and manage with them. Except, they usually don't find that girl, because she's too perfect. I, you are perfect to me...this is just...fuck, I don't know. Please, we're good...just...a rough patch...a huge one. If you're willing to work with me, with us, I am too. I can't...I won't be able to find someone else like you...ever."

I watched her intently as her eyes slightly lit up. She swiped her tongue across her lips before biting down on her lip.
"But...after...Harry," she sighed harshly, frustrated she couldn't form her thoughts into sentences.

After a while, she finally managed to peep something out?

"We're good?" Her voice barely a whisper as it was laced with hope and despair.

"Yes. Now, you need to go. I need to go before I...I need to go." I simply said, refusing to confess I'd spend the next few hours - days - thinking about her.

"Keep in touch?" I asked, stepping back from her as I reached my hand out for her to shake. I knew it was a dick move, but I couldn't break more than I already was.

She scoffed, more tears clouding the both of our eyes as she forcefully grabbed my hand, hauling me to her as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I stood frozen for a few seconds, debating my next move. Once I heard her sob into my neck, I shook my head vigorously, biting my lip as I wrapped my arms around her small frame. Tears of my own were now slightly lingering on the ends of her hair as I took in her scent.

After a few minutes we pulled away and she just nodded, refusing to meet my gaze as she looked down and began to whimper. It took everything in me...everything to not give in.

"Goodbye...I'll see you,"

"Bye, Harry."

I took that as my cue to leave, shoving my hands into my pockets as I merely nodded, making my way to the door.

"Harry...wait!" She called from behind me once I was about to turn the doorknob.

"Yeah?" I asked, swallowing back my tears as she reached her hand out to mine.

"Give me your hand," I tilted my head, confused by her request but complying as I stretched my hand flat out in front of me. Once I realized what she was doing I felt a fresh tear escape my eye, her sobs burning my heart.

She placed the necklace, the key necklace I'd specially personalized for her in the palm of my hand, closing up my fingers into a fist as she slowly pushed my hand to my chest.

"Keep it, please," her voice barely coming out as a whisper as she closed her eyes tightly, as if trying to shake the image of me from her beautiful mind.

I only nodded, deciding it'd been the right thing to do at that moment, turning my back to her, I walked out of the room, leaving her alone...leaving the both of us broken.


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