"Broke your heart, girl, you deserve these things.."
Harry's POV
My head was spinning, my vision blurry. Everything I'd known, everything I'd grown to believe in; finished. Just like that, Dani was planning on leaving me. Without a warning, without any intention of staying with me. Numb. I was numb.
"I love you." Lie.
"I'll never leave you." Lie.
"You mean everything to me." Lie.
"You're so special to me." Lie.
Everything. Everything had been a lie. And I was the only who was clueless. Fucking oblivious at that; I'd only seen what had appeared as pleasing to me.
"How could you not tell me, Niall,"
"Fuck, you all knew!"
"She told us yesterday, Haz. You're our brother, she really cares about you, she had no idea how to tell you," Louis added.
"She...I'm not one to defend your girls...you'd know...but you know I speak the truth. She really cares for you...loves you..." Zayn said slowly.
"I just," I sniffled, roughly rubbing my eyes, "she's leaving, she's leaving me."
"It's for a few months, she'll be back."
"How can I forgive her...I mean it'd be fucking easy because I love her...I can't be without her...I dunno...what do I do," I whimpered. I'd spent the last few hours crying in front of my mates, my brothers. I didn't care, I had to let it out. Now I knew why Dani had been so emotional...so shaky these past few days...
"Did she say what she wanted us to be? To become?"
"Harry...talk to her mate. Hear her out, she may not be too deserving of it right now, but she needs you, too. Hear it from her, not us..." Liam said. Damn Liam.
"But I cant! Don't you see, if I see her... if I talk to her...I'll fall so hard I'll probably leave with her... she was it for me...all I've wanted."
"We get it, mate, you love her..."
"No Niall, she's leaving. Like she admitted her love to me yesterday, just fucking yesterday. That just added more fuel to this fucking fire. I love her. I want to be with her. I didn't even get to introduce her to my parents and she's leaving. Gemma, my mum...they were going to meet her this coming week...how is this...I can't, I can't..."
"Okay, you're okay," Zayn said, patting my back as I cried into my hands.
"I'm not okay. No, the love of my life is leaving me tonight. And she didn't tell me. My everything is leaving me, she lied to me. The person I gave my all to is abandoning me. I'm not okay. I mean- I knew I came along with baggage but fuck- am I that bad?"
"She's not leaving you, it's a job opportunity, don't take it away from her."
"Is this her way of breaking up with me? Why? Why is this happening to me, I- I love her..."
"Go talk to her. Before she leaves,"
"And say what?"
"How you feel...what you want of the future. Well...what do you want?" Liam asked, his tone soft.
"I'm willing...fuck am I willing to do long distance...I really don't care...as long a we're together. I can't imagine anyone else with her I can't,"
"Talk to her. Now."