"The bed's getting cold and you're not here, the future that we hold is so unclear.."
Dani's POV
"You sure it's a casual thing?" I asked as I quickly slipped on a long loose grey sweater with some leggings and combat boots.
"It's usually at Niall's doll, but we're doin' it at this close friends house 'round here. Jessica."
I stiffened at the name, feeling overflowed with jealousy as the name left his lips. I nodded curtly, slipping on a thin gold chain over my key necklace.
"Baby," he called for me as he snaked his arms around my waist from behind, his chest against my back.
"Yeah? This good?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Perfect, smell so good," he uttered, kissing my cheek.
"She's just a friend. Of us all, really, don't worry,"
"Okay, I'm not, I trust you," I said, discontent that I didn't have the courage to ask him what was on my mind.
"And I trust you, and you're my only; my one and only. Now, let's go?"
As we arrived at the house, I quickly realized it wasn't just a house but a fucking mansion.
Harry helped me out of the blacked out SUV and interlaced our fingers as he led the way, me following behind him. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt with blue skinny jeans.
Once we stepped foot on the rough floor mat, Harry smoothly rang the doorbell. After literally 5 seconds, behold, Gigi #2.
Just kidding, but really.
A tall, ridiculously thin blonde opened the door, crystal blue eyes full of amusement and happiness. With her skimpy crop top and high waisted shorts, I cringed as she squealed.
"Harry! It's been too long!" She cheerfully screamed, grabbing onto his shoulders, as she wrapped her arms around his neck, hauling him to her as he let go of my hand, hesitating before patting his hands against her waist. As much as I wanted to laugh at his awkwardness, those thoughts were long gone as she smiled and kissed his neck, inhaling his scent.
"Jessica, this is," he turned around slowly, as if he was afraid to see my face, "Dani."
Her smile faltered as she looked at me, her eyes skimming down my body as if I was some sort of fucking statue. Her arm remained lobbed around his neck as her other hand rested on his stomach. The worst part of it all was, he had no intention of moving away from her.
"Oh, is she like, your assistant? Always so high maintenance," she giggled.
Harry scowled, moving away from her as he protectively slid his arm around my waist. As much as I wanted to feel something towards the sweet gesture, all I wanted at that moment was to get away from Harry.
"No, my girlfriend, actually,"
Her hideous cackling came to a halt as her jaw dropped open. I tried to hide my smirk but just smiled at her, stretching out my arm in her direction.
"Nice to meet you," I said, grinning at her as her lips formed a huge smile.
"Oh! Hosh posh, c'mere!" She said, pulling me into a hug. I hugged back, of course. My eyes squeezed shut as I felt her ribs against my fingertips.
"Adorable, Harry. Nice pick," she winked at him as we pulled away.
"Thank you, I know," he smugly replied, smirking at her.
"Well, c'mon in, don't just stand there," she giggled turning her back as she walked inside. Once I saw her walking in front of us, I winced as I saw her butt cheeks popping out of her shorts.
Harry angled his head to face me as he quickly mouthed 'Sorry.'
I giggled, circling my fingers around the rim of my wine glass.
"What about when Harry basically fell into the fire, you fucking twat," Louis added in, clutching to his stomach as he burst out laughing.
"Heeey, I didn't know I would come here to be teased," I smiled at his words, not meeting his gaze, though. I was sitting on a single seated leather sofa. Harry was sitting next to Liam and Niall. The others were sitting on the floor Indian style, food everywhere. I couldn't lie; this was extremely fun and disconnecting from the reality of the boys' lifestyle. But, I was upset about not being able to fully be happy, sitting by Harry, as I was still a little turned off what had happened previously.
"You know we love you Harry," Jessica added. He simply nodded, giving her a small smile as he immediately broke her gaze.
"Hey, Dani, want to help me get some more wine?" She asked as I came out of my trance, smiling at her.
"Uhh, yeah sure."
I placed my glass on the table and followed her to her sparkling white marble kitchen.
"So," she said, opening the fridge as she began to dig through it.
"So," I managed to peep out. I hated how intimidated I sounded, when really, I wanted to dropkick her right then and there.
"How's it going with Harry? He treating you well?" She asked, the glass bottle making a loud noise once it came into contact with the marble counter.
"Yeah, so far so good. He's great,"
"That's precious. I remember when he treated me the same way, we weren't that distant though."
And I swear, at that moment I felt my heart stop beating.