"Oh darling, I want to see your heart smile."
Harry's POV
I didn't know why I was looking forward to seeing Dani so much today. Something about her is so intriguing and the fact that we both have the same intentions makes me crave her even more.
After we ate, it was now 11 pm and Dani and I were lying in bed together, simply talking. She was rested on my chest, and my arm was draped over her neck as we both looked through my twitter feed. Our legs were intertwined, and I was only in my boxers and her in my shirt. We hadn't had sex or anything prior, but I guess we're just that comfortable with each other? I don't know, but I did like it. As we read the fans tweets we would both laugh hysterically at how clever the fans are.
Pecking my chest, Dani looked up at me before saying, "Harry I leave in two days and I still haven't packed," she frowned.
"What? Two days only? When're you coming back?"
"Only for a week Harry, I need to convince my parents to let me come on tour with you guys," she said giggling softly.
"But still, what am I going to do without you for a week? We barely get to spend time together as it is," I pouted.
"I know but if and when they say yes we'll have so much time to spend together," she whispered before kissing my neck gently, sucking on my soft spot as I winced. I'm wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it.
"Wait so if they say no I'm never going to see you again?" I had no intention in raising my voice but I couldn't help it.
She wouldn't meet my gaze, instead she just looked away, "I don't know Harry.."
Untangling our legs and moving my arm from her stomach, she sat at the end of the bed, looking towards the TV that was turned off.
"I," she sighed before contintuing, "didn't really expect for this to happen. Like you and me messing around thing,"
I sat up before crawling to where she was sitting, resting behind her as I wrapped my arms around her waist. I hid my face in the crook of her neck, resting my head on her shoulder, placing a kiss on her soft skin, letting my lips linger on it for a little.
"I know baby, I just like what this is, is that so wrong? You really help me around here. I don't feel as lonely, nor do I feel unhappy like I used to. You know I love everything about my job but sometimes it sucks not having a friendly face around. Even though we're 'messing around,'" I said quoting her, "this still means more to me, I love your company, I love looking forward to having someone to come to at the end of the night. It makes me feel wanted," I managed to say, whispering the last few words.
"Harry you know I want you and I feel the exact same way, I just hope this all works out and we can, like, try new things,"
I kissed her cheek as I began to smirk, "Oh yeah? New things? Like positions and all?" I winked.
She giggled and I instantly smiled, her laugh was contagious.
"Those too," she said blushing immensely.
"I love that I can make you blush, and laugh, and wet and stuff,"
"Harry!" she laughed before standing up off the bed, "you're gross."
She playfully crossed her arms and smirked.
"Me? Gross? But you certainly love it, don't you?" I questioned, smirking right back at her before tugging at the end of her shirt as I pulled her onto my lap.
"Mhm," she hummed.
I looked into her eyes as she looked into mine, her eyes then shifting down to my lips. Before I knew it, her lips crashed onto mine, our tongues lapping with one another.
I bit her bottom lip, tugging on it slightly as I heard her moan.
She was now straddling me with her hands on my shoulders, as my hands rested perfectly on her waist.
Teasing me, she kept kissing the sides of my mouth, knowing that it was my ultimate weakness. I placed sloppy kisses on her lips, begging for her to quit teasing before I pulled away.
"Harryyy," she frowned, lifting her hand from my shoulder as she cupped my chin.
"Wait, wait," I laughed as she kissed my jaw.
"If you're leaving in two days, what're you doing tomorrow?"
"Well I didn't have anything planned, maybe just packing, why?"
"You'd know that the boys and I have the day off tomorrow, spend the day with me."
I saw her cute half smile in full force before she frowned again, furrowing her brows.
"Why, Harry? Don't you have better things to do?"
I felt my heart sink at her words, and I didn't know why.
"D we're not a couple but you're not some slut to me either," she cringed at my statement.
"I mean, I don't want you to just hide in some hotel room because of me, you're too special for that."
"But you have so many amazing friends Harry. I'd love to but I don't want you to feel like you're obligated to take me places."
"You're one of them, plus you're actually genuine, c'mon D, lighten up, I want to make you happy, especially before you leave," I practically begged.
I don't know why she thinks I'd be embarrassed of her. I've never really come across someone who would care about my image more than theirs. It's quite refreshing, actually.
"Okay, of course I will," she said, flashing her beautiful smile.
"That's my girl," I winked.
Her eyes widened at my words, I hadn't even realized that I practically called her my girl.
Trying to switch up the mood, I asked, "So the carnival?"
Her face lit up, "Carnival? Oh my god Harry that's perfect! I freaking love carnivals."
"We have so much in common, I do too," I said winking at her. I was doing that way too much but she seemed to be loving it.
"Wait, but won't you get recognized?"
"Yeah but," I saw the worry in her face and I hated myself for finding her so adorable," it's no problem. Stop worrying so much D, when you're with me you'll always be okay."
Her eyes softened as she hid her face in my chest, "Sorry."
I kissed the top of her head as she looked back up at me, peppering kisses all over her face, "so, so sweet," I said in between kisses.
Author's Note
Do you guys want to see what Dani looks like yet??5 votes for the next update? I'm writing it right now :) - D xxx