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"How did you get here under my skin?"

Dani's POV
I followed Monique towards the back of the building, she had told me that the boys lounge around there when they're in LA prior to leaving her office.

"Okay so basically, just stay cool, you know? Introduce yourself and I'll take it from there" she said, giving me a reassuring smile.

I nodded quickly and dropped my gaze from her eyes to the door that was now right in front of us.

She opened the door, holding on just enough for me to slide in.

"Boys! Come to the couch please!" she yelled playfully.

One by one five boys appeared from a corner, each with a plate of food in their hands.

I obviously knew their names, I mean, I needed to do some research before meeting them.

Niall sat on the couch first, Louis and Zayn immediately followed.

Liam frowned as he decided to sit on the floor so he could eat from the coffee table, I slightly smiled to myself.

Then I saw him. Harry.

Something about him threw me off, yet I couldn't point my finger on it. He shrugged and sat on the arm of the couch before looking up at me.

His green eyes piercing into my brown ones, he gave me the tiniest smile. He then looked to Monique before asking, "Who's this, Mo?"

"Thank you for noticing Dani here, Harry. Well boys, since you all know I'm pregnant and you all are a handful sometimes, I decided I needed an assistant. You know, just to help out with this bun in the oven."

"This is great! I mean new faces are nice around here, how old are you, Dani? I'm Niall, by the way" he flashed a smile looking in my direction.

"Well I'll be turning 18 in a few months, nice to meet you too Niall" I giggled.

"Wow so you're 17? This is even better, Monique's becoming too motherly these days" Liam said teasingly.

"Oh hush up, Liam. And yes, I knew Dani would be a perfect match, don't I always pick the right ones?"

I was surprised none of the boys really complained about me only being 17.

Throughout this conversation, I couldn't help but glance at Harry sporadically. Oddly enough, the few times I did look at him, his gaze was on me.

"C'mon now boys, introduce yourselves" Monique cooed.

All of a sudden they all put their plates on the coffee table and stood up. I stood up as well, straightening my dress out of any wrinkles.


After we introduced ourselves, we talked for a while and I had to admit, these boys were extremely funny.

Niall suddenly asked "Dani, do you have twitter or social media stuff?" with a grin on his face.

All the boys turned to look at me, but I felt Harry's gaze burning through me.

"Um yeah, my twitter is @danitaylors and my Instagram is the same thing" I beamed.

They all looked away and within seconds my phone blew up.

@Harry_Styles is now following you!

@Real_Liam_Payne is now following you!

@NiallOfficial is now following you!

@zaynmalik is now following you!

@Louis_Tomlinson is now following you!

"Wow," I huffed, "you guys are fast."

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