"Anything for you, anything baby. I do not want to be enemies baby.."
Dani's POV
Tuesday. Tuesday. Tuesday.
Only 6 more days until I had to give my decision in, and 12 to decide whether or not I was going to leave the country.
Harry still doesn't know.
"Hey, baby, where are we again?" Harry laughed as he slipped his shirt over his head, looking out at the view from the hotel.
"Right, right. Beach tonight?"
"Depends. Will we actually explore or will you screw me in the backseat without even getting to leave the car?" I smirked up at him as I sat up, bringing the sheets with me. I scowled once he began taking pictures of me, but soon enough blew him a kiss right when he was snapping.
"Perfect. Can't really blame me, can you? With a body like yours..."
"Hush, I need to shower," I said, standing up and dropping the covers, leaving me completely bare in front of him. His jaw dropped and I frowned, not like he hasn't seen all of me before, right?
"You told me to shower earlier on purpose didn't you," he glowered, wrapping his arms around my exposed waist. I shivered as his cold fingers grabbed onto my skin firmly.
"Maybe, maybe not,"
"Right well next time I won't have it, we need to conserve water, save the planet ya know."
"You're full of it," I smiled at him, his height towering over me as his smile got even bigger, his teeth sparkling right before me; mesmerizing me.
"I'm whipped, I think that's what they're calling it," he said.
"They?" I asked, now walking towards the bathroom. I noticed his heavy footsteps behind me so I left the door open, leaning down to twist the shower knob. As the hot water began seeping out, I turned around to Harry sitting on the closed lid toilet seat, watching me with his face in his hand as his elbow was propped up on his knee.
"The lads."
"Well, if it makes you feel any better I don't think you are," I noticed as his small smile faltered.
"Do you think I don't show how much I care enough? Is tha-"
"No! No Haz not that, I think it's just like, you desire more so than are whipped."
Uh oh, here goes my attempt at trying to push him away from me. I didn't want to break up with Harry but I knew that when I did leave, he'd have no one there. I didn't want to hold him back from seeing other girls. We've been having sexual relations practically every night, if not once then obviously twice. How would he get used to not screwing anyone without wanting to dump me or cheat on me? I would let him go, I finally decided. I couldn't bear the thought of him being with someone else after me, but I also couldn't be selfish and take away his happiness.
Late last night I had decided that going on this business trip would be the most I'd get out of life. The experiences, possible new opportunities from simply being there, everything made sense. I can't help but feel selfish, but I also want to use my years wisely, does that sound logical? I've memorized Harry's knock knock jokes, his Tom Ford cologne constantly lingers in my senses, his warm arms are all I've ever needed, his hands fit in my own perfectly, I've grown to love everything about him. The way his curls randomly go straight for a while, then quirk up. The way his eyebrows knit together when he's telling a story, trying to to forget any details. The way he uses his hands to speak and vividly explain something. His deep, raspy voice; the one I've grown to adore and appreciate so much. The way his sexy smirk always breaks out into a goofy grin when he's around me. It's like, I've fallen in love with Harry, but I know to him what we have is not something that's permanent. And I can't blame him for that. And I won't blame him for that. He's proved himself, plenty of times to say the least, but I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he wants to be with me. Such a perfect man like him wants to be with an 18 year old like me? Something about that sentence is already off. I couldn't explain it. And I most certainly can't tell him I love him before leaving. It's already hard as it is. Only 3 months, I remind myself. But those 3 months can either make or break us if we don't settle on being friends. This is all happening too soon, and the feeling I'm getting in my stomach is telling my I'm making the wrong decision.