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"Dealing with a heart that I didn't break."

Dani's POV

"Hey Monique!" I smiled wide once I saw her walking up to me.

"Hi darling, sleep well?" she asked.

"Yes I have, a little nervous for this meeting though."

"Don't worry about it; it's mainly about the boys' image and what we need to do to keep them on the top spot."

"Oh okay, I guess."

We sat in some topnotch expensive chairs, waiting for our names to be called.

"Mrs. Sanders, we're ready for you," a high pitched voice called out a few minutes later.

Monique and I stood up as we walked towards the dark hallway. We took our seats after a man in a black suit opened the door for us.

"Welcome, Monique, and-" a man said looking at me confused. I immediately felt out of place but decided to let it go, for the sake of not embarrassing Monique.

"This is Dani Taylors, she works for us now and I thought I'd bring her along," Monique said, using her hands as she spoke.

"Ahh, yes. Dani, I'm Mr. Adams, but you can call me Sam," he smiled at me before grabbing my hand and bringing it up to his lips, kissing it.

I tried not to cringe at the somewhat kind gesture and simply returned the smile.

He turned back to face the rest of those that were sitting on the table, brand new faces to me.

"Okay, well, although tour is approaching for the boys they are slowly falling off the tabloids," he began.

"We need to spark something in their personal life so that they don't die down, any ideas?"

"No, we don't." Monique sneered.

"Just let them enjoy their tour then we'll think of something."

Sam sighed heavily, "Listen Monique I don't think that's the way this works."

Monique abruptly stood up as I quickly followed, "Of course it is, let them be! I won't be having this conversation right now; I'm pregnant and too busy with their schedule to be dealing with this."

She looked around to the others before apologizing as she grabbed her bag and I followed behind her.

As we stepped out of the building, Monique looked at me, "Dani I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for that to go wrong at all. It's just, they always try to mess with the boys and those boys are so important to me nothing bothers me more than when they constantly try to bring them down," she frowned.

"Mo, it's no problem! Thank you for bringing me, I really appreciate it," I said smiling wide, attempting to lighten the mood.

"You're such a sweet girl," she said as she smiled at me, "I promise the next meeting I take you to will be more professional. Now, let's get out of here," she winked.


Monique and I spent a few hours shopping at the mall. Since we don't know the gender of the baby yet, I bought unisex clothing. Monique insisted on paying but I turned down her offer and gave the lady my card before she could. I have the coolest boss ever.

It was now 4 pm and we were walking into a restaurant that Monique made arrangements at to meet with the boys. Zayn and Niall couldn't make it, so we were only expecting Louis, Liam, and Harry.

As we were seated we were laughing at something that happened earlier today as I felt two arms placed on my shoulders. I turned around and saw Harry smiling at me, "Hey," he said before sitting beside me. I quickly greeted him as I felt Louis nudge me slightly before kissing my cheek, "Daniiii, looking good," he said as he made his way to the other side of the booth.

"Thanks," I said as I felt my cheeks heat up.

Liam sat beside Louis, as he said hi to both Monique and I.

"Louis, Harry. What, no hello to me? You like the new hot intern now?" she said with a smirk on her face.

"Sorry," Louis said before being interrupted by Harry, "We tend to be star struck when we see hot people," he said referring to me.

"Oh hush, Harry," Monique said, laughing at his comment.

"So, ladies, how did the meeting go?" Liam asked as everyone began to skim through the menu.

"Rough, but we ended up going shopping after."

Harry's eyes peered up from the menu as he looked at Monique and back at me.

"Shopping?" his voice dripping with amusement.

I nodded as Monique answered. "Mhm, Dani bought the baby the cutest onesies, I'm obsessed!"

"Did she now?" Harry said as he looked at me smirking, his smirk soon turning into a full-blown close-lipped smile.

"Yeah, I couldn't resist," I said, smiling back at him.

"Mo you're growing more and more every day, I'm surprised you still don't know the gender," Louis said playfully as he chuckled.

Everyone else laughed along before we were interrupted by the waiter.

"Good afternoon, my names Chris and I'll be serving you today, can I start you off with drinks?"

I looked up at him; he had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He also appeared as fairly tall, the short sleeves of his shirt hugging his muscular arms. Not bad.

We all nodded in unison as Monique began: "I'll have lemonade," he nodded.

"Water," Liam and Harry said in Unison.

"Umm, I'll have a coke," Liam said before looking back at the menu.

"And for the lovely lady?" he asked as he looked at me.

I was a bit bewildered, and I didn't know why.

"I'll have lemonade also."

He nodded at me as he wrote in his note pad, smiling.

I looked over at Harry, whose gaze was focused on the waiter.

Placing my hand on his thigh, I felt the tension diminish slightly as he placed his hand on top of mine.

"Will that be all for now?" Chris asked.

"Yes, now if you'll hurry, we're quite thirsty. Oh, and Chris?" Harry asked sternly.

"Y-yes?" he stuttered, clearly taken aback by Harry's attitude.

"You might want to fetch yourself a drink too, you know, you seem pretty thirsty yourself."

My jaw dropped at Harry's audacity as I turned to look at Liam and Louis, who were stifling their laughs.

Once I looked at Monique, however, she was not amused.

"Yes sir," he said as he backed up and turned away, completely humiliated.

"Harry!" Monique scolded as I bit my lip.

"Yes?" he asked, nonchalantly as he took ahold of my hand on his again and began rubbing up and down my thumb. I was in awe at his behavior. He ran his smart mouth while still being careful with his grip on my hand.

"Are you insane? You just embarrassed that poor boy for no reason!" Monique said as her eyebrows furrowed together.

Harry scoffed, "Poor boy? Please, Mo, he practically threw himself onto Dani."

My eyes widened, looking up at him as he returned my gaze.

"He wasn't," I said, taking my lip in between my teeth.

"Even if he was," Monique interrupted, "why do you care?" she asked suspiciously.

"I don't, just don't want Dani feeling uncomfortable is all," he said with a straight face.

My heart stung with rejection as I loosened my grip on Harry's hand, removing it from his grasp and placing it back onto my lap.

He looked at me and frowned, but I simply looked away. I knew it wasn't in my place to be angry at that comment, but it completely tore me apart.

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