"Are you sleeping baby by yourself? Or are you giving it to someone else?"
Dani's POV
Three more days. Only three days until I'm back to Harry and the boys.
Being apart from Harry only made our bond stronger, if that was even possible. It's weird, becoming so close to someone within a few weeks of knowing them. But at the same time, it's absolutely refreshing.
When I talked to my parents they did freak out, and they basically hate me right now, but at least they didn't deny me. They couldn't, I'll be 18 in 3 weeks.
I was now getting ready to go out with my old friends from high school. Jessica and Lauren. The only people I actually trust in this town, and I'm glad to spend my last few days here with them.
As I put my flats on, my mom appeared behind me.
"Have fun honey, be careful and don't get back too late. We won't open the door after 11."
Her mood changed super quick, but I was already used to it.
"Okay, cya."
Jessica and Lauren were waiting for me outside.
I jogged over to the car as they stepped out and hugged me all at once.
"Finally Dani! We missed you so much!" Lauren said, hugging me tighter.
"You guys look so good! I feel like I haven't see you in years," I chirped.
"Look at you! You're looking sexy as hell," she said and I blushed, looking down at my sparkly semi sheer shirt I was wearing. I bit my lip but immediately stopped, remembering I was wearing dark lipstick.
"C'mon get in! I'm starving."
We were now at Applebee's, eating dinner as I noticed a familiar face.
I stood up and motioned for the figure to come closer to me.
"Jason! Oh my god I haven't seen you in forever!" I said hugging Jason. I didn't hug him like I hugged Harry though, I wrapped my arms around his torso instead.
"Dani! What the hell? You were always hot but this hot?" He winked, hugging me back.
Jason was the one who saved me from Alex. He was there for me, along with Jessica and Lauren. We always had a close friendship, and I admit he's pretty hot, but I never saw him as anything other than a friend.
"Come, sit with us," I said grabbing his hand and grabbing it towards our table.
Once Lauren and Jessica greeted him, we all began to reminisce over high school and my heart ached at the thought of how much I missed seeing them everyday.
I was sitting next to Jason and Lauren and Jessica were seated across us.
"Let me take a picture of you two! Just like old times," Lauren giggled, taking my phone.
I was texting Harry but he still hadn't replied to me so I let her take the picture.
Once she took it I looked at it and immediately fell in love with it. Jason's tattoos, his sunglasses, he reminded me of Harry. Except Harry meant so much more to me, is that bad?
I posted the picture on Instagram with the caption "Jason." and we continued our conversation.
It was now 9:30 pm and I was being dropped off by the girls. I already had Jason's number, so he told me to text him and kissed my cheek before he left the restaurant.
"Okay girl, well we'll see you soon, hopefully, tonight was so fun," Jessica said getting out of the car.
I was engulfed in a hug by the two of them as I said goodbye to them and waited outside until they drove away.
I grabbed my phone and furrowed my eyebrows as I noticed there I had 2 missed calls and 3 messages. All from Harry within the past two minutes.
From: Harry
What the fuck is a Jason?
Are you okay?
Dani, where are you?
Calling him back, he immediately picked up.
"Dani? Are you okay? Where the fuck are you?"
"Harry, calm down! I'm fine, I'm home," I reassured him.
"Who the fuck is Jason?" He sounded so angry it almost turned me on.
"An old friend of mine, who helped me with Alex and stuff,"
"Oh, fuck, I didn't mean to freak out or anything D, my bad,"
I giggled, "it's okay Mr. Jealous,"
"Is it though? I don't like going on Instagram and seeing pictures of you with another man when you haven't told me about it. Not to mention the fact that you look sexy as fuck. I miss you, D,"
I frowned, I liked that he cared, but why when we're not anything more than friends with benefits?
"I miss you too, almost, babe."
"Okay well I just wanted to know you're okay. And maybe hear your voice," he sighed.
"Good night baby,"
"Night D."
Why was Harry so worried about me? And why was I completely okay with it?
Author's Note
Hiiii I have some more chapters already written, would you like an update tomorrow too? Please vote and comment loves your feedback means the world to me :) - D x