"I was made to keep your body warm, but I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms."
Harry's POV
There she was.
Finally. After a week, she was finally standing there right before my eyes.
This past week has been absolute hell, to say the least. I hate admitting that I have feelings for Dani, but I can't deny them either.
As we kissed my arms found their way around her waist, almost as if they belonged around her. Everything was going great up until I felt her flinch when my grip around her tightened.
I pulled away, "Wh-? Are you okay?"
Quite frankly, I didn't know what else to say.
She blushed furiously before saying, "A tight bra is all." My frown disappeared and I chuckled at how cute she was, despite her idiotic excuse. I completely lost my train of thought once more as she stepped on her tip-toes to kiss me again. I felt like I was a lost boy that had just been found.
I didn't want to risk getting caught outside with her, due to the fact that she's supposed to be working for us, so I inched my mouth to the corner of her lips, leaving wet kisses.
"Let's go inside, baby," I mumbled against her chin. She sighed heavily and intertwined our hands.
I grabbed her suitcase and lugged it behind me as she grabbed my other hand, leading me inside.
I don't really know how I feel about the fact that we practically act like a couple behind closed doors.
"Are you hungry?" I asked once she gently moved a few pillows over to rest comfortably on my taupe sofa.
"No, just tired," she said, giving me a lazy smile.
I sat right beside her, pulling her legs over my lap, and throwing my arm around her shoulder.
"How was your trip? You know the parts where we didn't have phone sex," I winked.
She blushed and adjusted to the position, tucking her head into my neck, "it was okay, I wish I didn't go though."
My smile faltered, upset that she didn't have the type of family to show her the unconditional love that she deserved.
"Mmm yeah?" I asked, kissing her jaw before looking into her eyes, those beautiful eyes.
"Yeah," grabbing my hand that was wrapped around her shoulder, she pulled it to her face, kissing my knuckles several times. My heart melted at the gesture.
I slowly curled my fingers, caressing her cheek as she closed her eyes and rested her head against my closed fists softly.
We talked for two hours about what else she had done, and what I did in her absence. In that time, I laughed more than I did this entire past week.
She yawned and looked at me, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on my lips. We'd been sneaking kisses all night.
"Want to go to bed?" I asked.
"Please," she smiled, accepting my offer.
She stood up, trying to grasp as much of my hand with both of hers before struggling to lift me as well.
On the walk to my room, she grasped on to my right arm, placing one hand on my forearm and the other intertwined with mine. She leaned against me before climbing on to the bed.
"I missed your soft bed," she said, stretching her body onto the mattress. I tried to contain myself from taking her right then and there.
"You didn't miss sleeping with me? Has my bed won?" I pouted playfully as I slipped my shirt off, reaching to unbuckle my belt.