chapter 2 the Rodriguez's morning routine.

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This is the part of the day the Rodriguez family hated the most it was always a hassle to get everyone ready jack went to school two hours before they did .

every morning because he had to be there early to help stock the food and set the menu for lunch or breakfast as his part time job

Miguel and Luca and Diego woke the kids up.

okay girls said Miguel here's your breakfast and Alejandro's.

everyone's had baths and put on clothes? Miguel asked.

and the children nodded their head'.

okay Miguel said now get your brother make sure all shoes are on tied and on the right foot.

then go get in the car and wait for your brother Miguel said sternly.

make sure Alejandro is in his car seat and buckled in firmly said Miguel as he carried Alejandro out side toward the car.

what ever you hear don't come inside Don't worry about us we'll be okay said Diego as he kissed their foreheads.

No te preocupes cariño okay I'm gonna go inside now said Miguel.

Miguel! Said Marianna to her brother he turns around then she smiles and says por favor, tenga cuidado.

Miguel smiles and turns for the door. Miguel closes the door behind him.

okay he says to Luca and Diego signaling them do it.

Go Get The Broom. and Pillow's Luca says quietly as they surround the bed, okay Miguel says now!.

then they poke their father in his side with a broom stick that had a pillow taped to it so it wouldn't hurt him.

papa Diego says softly as they poke him their father groans and turns over swatting the pillow away.

papa wake up it's time for work he says again softly your food and coffee are on the table.

take a bath and get on clothes he says their father sits up then the Boy's dash out of his room.

and put the broom and pillows back and put sugar and cream in his coffee then dart out the door.

but Miguel wasn't fast enough their father throws a glass cup at him.

and Diego jumps in the way as he keeps running pulling shard's of glass out his hand in right above his eyebrow.

and they dart in the car and locked the doors okay Luca said every one accounted for?.

rose? Marianna? Alejandro? Callie? Miguel? Said Luca looking in the back.

everyone's here Said Diego.

Luca* Miguel said softly.

Diego said Luca as he looked for the car keys. can you um... He was cut off.

Luca! Miguel screams.

Luca yells back.

papa* said Miguel with a terrified look on his face.

Luca looks in his window slowly then his eyes turn frantic.

to his unfortunate surprise their father was walking towards the car with a baseball bat that looks like its been carved to look like a knife at the end then he swings with all his might.

GO GO GO GO GO! Miguel and Diego screams as the tire's squeal.

and he hits the window with all his might and shatters it just above Lucas head.

Luca screams as he ducks to protect his head and face and he backs up as they all scream and drive up the road.

he's never done that before Marianna says as she breathes heavily.

I don't know why he did that said Luca he's in a very foul mood today there's no telling how long it'll last.

but we better find and warn jack not to go home after school. Luca says papa gets pissed off at him more than us he can't be alone with him he'll kill jack.

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