chapter 6 oops...

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Jack wipes tears from his eyes then he looks at josh and smiled

but josh wasn't smiling josh wasn't smiling at all he looked worried and scared at the same time.

jack gave josh a confused look.

dude what wrong?  Said jack worried.

This can't be happening said josh over and over again I'm dreaming yeah said josh this is a dream and I'll wake up soon said josh.

as he grabbed his head and stepped back from jack not taking his eyes off of him as he gave him a terrified look.

Then josh looked at jack's face and he looked just as confused as josh was.

No thought josh this isn't a dream.

and if i continue like this I'll freak him out if he looks down thought josh.

the hospital thought josh I need to call an ambulance.

josh pulled out his phone and kept mumbling.

this isn't happening said josh  frantically.

jack grabbed josh's shoulder what's wrong dude talk to me.

josh looked at him and forced a smile nothing buddy why don't you sit down.

and stay still he said as sweat treded down his forehead.

is this some type of game? Jack said worried you're scaring me man what's wrong with you?.

Josh turned around and looked through his phone for the ambulance's number.

Then jack grabbed his stomach as he winced in pain then jack looked down at his hand jack stared horrified.

his hand was caped in blood and his arms looked pale his shirt was soaked in blood.

jack felt something wet on his lip and he slowly slid his hand  across his face and his nose was bleeding.

Josh? said jack as he groaned and began to back up against the wall trying to keep his balance.

Josh kept scrolling through his phone frantically.

Josh* said jack again as he dropped his book bag.

Josh turned around with a horrified look on his face.

Jack was slowly sliding onto the floor jack held on to the wall trying to keep his balance.

Josh caught him before he hit the floor and Josh sat down as he held jack in his arms.

Jack groaned as he held his wound and more blood spilled out as he tried to sit up.

jack cried out in pain as he felt something cut through his stomach in his hand and jack Blacked out for a moment from the pain.

Jack! Said josh as he watched in horror.

Then jack opened his eyes as he continued to groan then he looked at josh.

  Josh* said jack as josh helped him sit up you can't  call the ambulance or police he said softly.

What?! Josh screamed No!

No! I listened to you with the screaming but you're bleeding like a Waterfall! Said josh looking down at jack.

no I'm calling the ambulance said josh as he continued to scroll through his phone.

jack held josh's hand tighter as he winced and josh looked at Jack's hand as the blood from his hand began to coat Josh's.

call Luca  instead once you call him and we get out of the school I'll tell you everything I  promise jack said softly.

what the hell is going on with you?! Said josh are you dying or something? Said josh really worried what's with the nightmares and the screaming and now this shit! Said josh as he began to panic.

I don't know how much more of this I can handle! Cried josh and I swear to God if you die on me said josh quickly as he wiped his tears quickly

You better tell me what the hell is going on with you after this and don't you dare fucking lie to me said josh sternly.

I know jack smiled slightly and i will but not here and not now just be patient and bare with me okay? Said jack  earnestly.

Fine  josh agrees but promise me you'll tell me the moment we get you out of here josh says sternly promise! me.

jack leans on his shoulder  I promise said jack softly.

But before you call my brothers I know this is asking to much said jack as he began to gasp and clench his stomach as the pain began to grow

but unless you do this I won't make it out the door said jack seriously as sweat treded down his forehead.

Do what? Said josh worried.

You have to take something out of my stomach said jack seriously.

What! Josh screamed.

Shshsh! Said jack keep your voice down.

I am not a surgeon! said josh as he stared at the wound I don't know what the hell I am doing and you trust me to go fishing in your stomach?! Whispered josh bell no!.

Listen josh said jack weakly there's something in there.

Yeah said josh organs!.

No said jack seriously you don't understand there's something in there something sharp.

And it keeps stabbing me I need you to take it out it might stab something vital.

and then we're in trouble so I need you to pull it out said jack seriously.

Why can't we just call an ambulance?! Said josh as his voice began to break.

No said jack weakly no Dr's

I can't do this jack.

Said josh softly as tears streamed down his face.

Yes you can said jack softly I trust you.

Josh stared at the wound for awhile then he sighed okay said josh softly.

How do I pull this thing out? Said josh confused.

It's gonna have to stab me again but when it does you grab the tip and hold it.

then stick your hands in my stomach and grab it by the other side said jack seriously.

Wait.. said josh I am gonna be digging around your stomach won't that hurt? Asked josh.

Like hell replied jack now do it.

Jack moved a little and the sharp object stabbed him again.

Jack cried out in pain Now! Josh grab it Now!.

Then Josh grabbed the object and began to pull it out.

Jack screamed in pain as he tried his best to be quiet.

the Josh stared at it horrified is that? a screw?.

Jack looked at it as his face looked paler and sweat covered his face.

I have no idea how it got there said jack weakly but it's out now.

Are you okay? Josh said worried.

Peachy replied jack.

now give me your phone jack says as he reaches his hand out.

okay josh replies and hands him his phone .

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