chapter 12 jack has doubts are we truly free?.

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As jack and his siblings walked out of the house before the police car droves off.

  Jack's father look's  at him one last time and smiles bitterly this isn't the end son.

he says coldly.

Then jack shivers at his fathers words.

that's enough outta you says the officer then he began to drive off.

Jack's father looks back at him and smiles you think prison will stop me? Said his father I don't even have to be near you said his father and I've already scared the shit outta you.

you'll always be afraid of me everything I've done to you is engraved in your minds I don't need to do anything else your fear will do if for you he said as he chuckled.

and if you thing that jail cell will hold me said jacks father you've got another thing coming

When I get free I'm coming for you I'm coming for all of you and next no little police cars and police men will stop me.

But I'll let you rest up for now knowing that you'll never know when I'll escape and you'll never forget what I've done.

I can go to jail a happy man. Smiled his father then  the car drives off.

Jack stares at the car as it drives away as tears streamed down his face I always hoped that deep down you loved us.

and that one day the old loving caring papa would come back.

but now after hearing your joy is my pain I know that hoping for such a thing was stupid.

the moment you snapped was the moment we lost you forever thought jack as he sat on the porch with a stumble.

Luca walked up to jack and sat down beside him you okay? he said softly.

No replied jack as he stared at the  autumn sky and a cold breeze hit his hair jack shivered as he tucked his hands into his jacket as his longish hair blowed back in the wind revealing his facial scars.

I hoped deep down papa still loved us and the old kind papa would return but.

Said jack as he looked at Luca he spoke to me before the police took him.

and the things he said said jack as he looked at the ground as disbelief crossed his face

He didn't say the things I thought he would I wasn't even prepared for what he told me it was like he was a completely different person.

than the papa who shouts when he gets his hands on us we're dead.

He didn't say anything like that he told me knowing what he did to us for years and that we'll never forget it.

knowing everything he did was engraved in our minds he said he could go to jail a happy man.

said jack as he breath out and looked back at Luca.

Who now had a scared look on his face.

Luca shivered you're right said Luca that doesn't sound like him at all.

He's happy to know he's destroyed us like he really seemed to be filled with glee that he made us suffer even though we got him arrested said jack.

I don't know I wish he was angry like he usually is for some reason I'm more terrified then when he was yelling said jack.

Jack looked back up at the sky after he said that to me I know  that my hope for him to go back to being loving and caring was a delusion.

Said jack as he looked at the sunset but I can't help but still hope said jack that maybe he still loves us.

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