chapter 9 living on our own for the time being.

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we're living at the treehouse for awhile just until jack gets better said Luca josh we can send you home on our way there of you want.

No it's okay said josh I'll stay you can drop me off at home when you're ready to go back to your house said josh.

We're not planning to go back until a couple of weeks said Luca if we're going back we're going back until jack is fully healed or damn near it.

Diego looked at Luca how are we going to do that without money? We still need food water blankets and pillows not to mention medical supplies.

jack is still injured so we have to change his bandages and reapply ointment and some of us are injured too Says Diego Luca sighs out of exhaustion I forgot we left our money.

from our jobs and college money at the house with papa.

But how are we going to get him out of the house long  enough so we can get it? said Diego.

I think I  know just how to do it Miguel says you know how he loves those moon pies right? let's trick him into thinking they have a new flavor he'd be out of the house in seconds said Miguel.

Luca grins that just might work he says.

tell us. the plan said jack.

Said Miguel  so this is how it works :.

after putting a plan together the sibling set off to put their plan into  action after their father run's out of the house.

Diego and Miguel run in.

take your shoe's off and hold them Miguel whispered leave no indication that we were here.

don't touch anything else except all of our piggy banks and the box.

after they got it Beep: Lucas walkie talkie goes off Miguel answers it what!?  he whispers as he looks around making sure papa didn't hear it.

its papa! he came back early get out of there! Said Luca worried through the walkie talkie.

Shit!  said Miguel

Diego! Whispered Miguel papa came back early we have to hurry  go get Alejandro's piggy bank then we'll jump out his window.

ok Diego replies then they both put the piggy banks in the bag along with the box then Miguel look's around.

oh no said Miguel.

what? Said Diego Jack's money I can't find it.

Luca! Miguel says quietly through the walkie where's Jack's money?

uh Luca replies in his room under his bed in a huge box the key is in his pillow ok starts Miguel then he stops.

wait how do you know that? Miguel snicker's.

Luca rolls his eyes there's no time for this he said seriously hurry!

ok Miguel answers then he opens the box and takes out a few boxes I don't know which one is the money.

So i guess we'll just take em all said Miguel to himself

Diego change of plans said  Miguel  we go thru Jack's window okay said  Diego  then they hear the front  door open now! Miguel whispers.

you go first and take the bag I'll jump after you the bags make a lot of racket I'll  jump quietly now go.

okay said  Diego  then jumps out the window Miguel hears footsteps outside of jacks room then jumps.

their father opens the door only to find nothing then he walks off as he slams the door mumbling to himself.

Miguel and Diego run down the road to the car.

Luca checks his clock constantly were are they I hope papa didn't get to them Luca thinks as he begins to run deep in his thoughts.

then he gets  startled by banging on the window.

then he looks out the window to see Diego and Miguel banging on the window Open! The! Door! they scream.

Luca opens the door then they skid down the road once they get to the tree house.

which is really a cottage looking house that is built like a real house.

only its higher off the ground and held up by fallin tree branches.

they dart inside then they walk up to jack.

jack* Luca says softly which one is yours? he says pulling out boxes jack slowly opens his eyes and reach for the weird big box.

and sits up and grabs another box filled with keys and grabs the box and unlocks it in the front.

and pulls out money and hands it to Miguel I'm not done he says softly so keep your hand out.

Then he grabs another box and

he unlocks other parts with different keys and pulls out more money the he sits it down and grabs another box

and knocks on it with his knuckle then a button came off the top with a click showing a strange keyhole.

then he grabs a key next to the last one then unlocks it and more money comes out then he grabs the last box which looked rather strange.

then he puts a very weird key into the top then hundreds of bucks tied to rubber bands fall out in stacks.

Miguel Diego and Luca stare at jack in pure shock what bank did you rob? They  say surprised.

I didn't rob a bank jack smirked our neighbor the one who died she new what papa was doing to us.

and one day she gave me this check and along with the.check Which  is in that box right there she gave all this money.

she said when I had gotten the chance take my siblings and leave him surprisingly she was rich and then the next day she died.

turns out she had a son and he died before he even turned 21 he wasn't married.

and he didn't have kids or a boyfriend or girlfriend he had cancer I think so he couldn't leave his house.

so she gave me her will which is in that box I didn't say anything because if I told you papa would recognize something had change and probably would have beat the information out of you.

and now I figured is the right time so that why I told Luca to get my boxes and we can go get the chest another time.

Chest! his siblings said surprised yes jack smirked you really think this was it? she told me to leave the state with you guys this could get us to the next country maybe it normal would be enough but there's a lot in of us said jack.

and no Miguel I see you snickering Luca did not go through my stuff in my room I told him were to find everything.

Diego came back inside smiling why are you so happy? Miguel said Because' I went back.

and got the chest it was easy I got a latter climbed back into Jack's room.

grabbed the chest closed the window with a stick then moved the latter.

back and just got back by climbing trees my gym coach didn't call me spider monkey for no reason it's actually quite easy.

when Diego finished telling his story.

he looked up to find his siblings dropped jaws just staring at him in shock.

what? He said confused.

wolfs Or familys : Chapter 1 The Beginning To The End.Where stories live. Discover now