Taste of his Own Medicine

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Requested by Jazthefox16, I slightly altered your request, I hope that's ok, I didn't change it too much! (Btw this takes place in season 7)

Xisuma had people coming to his door almost since the start of the server, all with a similar complaint. Their doors were missing. They all knew who was doing it, but X couldn't do anything about it without any real proof. That was until one day, Xisuma was flying back to his base and spotted a familiar red sweater lurking around one of his towers. He stopped and perched on a tree as he watched Grian rip down the door, slyly storing it in a shulker box. As X watched, an idea began to bloom in his mind. He pulled up his communicator, clicked on Grian, and scrolled down to the ban button. "He's always pranking us, why not prank him back?" he thought to himself as he pressed it.

It was all very sudden for Grian. One second, he was surrounded by lush jungle trees, a full inventory and armor, and the next, nothing. It took him a second to recognize where he was. There, in the middle of the field, sat a dormant nether portal. He had been here, years before when he first joined hermitcraft. He searched his inventory for anything, but all he had was his communicator. He pulled it up and typed out a short message to Mumbo.

        "What just happened?" He sent the message, and as he did, another message popped up.

        "You do not have permission to message this person." He had been... banned? Why? For stealing doors? Emotions rushed into his head all at once, and as he looked around the vacant field, he realized, he had only one other place to go. As he began to walk, memories flooded around him. Of hermitcraft, of his friends, and of him. How angry he looked as Grian ran away, all the way to the field with the portal. It had been lit, and without knowing what else to do, he jumped in. Somehow, he wasn't able to follow him through and thought he was safe. But now, he had to go crawling back. It would hurt at first, he knew it would. But after a while, it would go back to how it used to be. He could handle that, he thought, but as he approached the door, his stomach began to lurch with regret. He raised his hand, and as he did, he noticed his communicator on his wrist. He quickly stashed it away in his inventory. He tentatively knocked on the door, and after a few seconds, it swung open.


Grian had been right and wrong about Sam. He was right about how much it would hurt in the beginning. The moment Grian stepped into the house, Sam shoved him to the ground and started to scream at him. Finally, after many bruises and cuts were added to Grian's body, Sam was too tired to continue and stormed up the stairs. Grian stayed on the ground, too in pain to move. He laid there, breathing shallow and pained breaths, and took out his communicator. Slowly, he messaged all of his friends. He hurt so much but needed them to know how sorry he was. Whatever he did to get banned, he didn't mean it, and that he would spend the rest of his life making up for it. After every message, the same message came up.

        "You do not have permission to message this person." He cried as he finished, stashing his communicator away and curled up on the floor until eventually, he fell asleep. He was awoken abruptly by Sam, who had kicked him in the stomach and made him wheeze to life. This is what Grian was wrong about. It wouldn't ever go back to how it was.

        "Get up." Sam commanded, and Grian, still trying to catch his breath, groaned as he tried to stand. His mind screamed at him to stand and to do what Sam said, but his body wouldn't let him. He slumped back on the ground, and Sam laughed. "Look at how lazy you've become without me! I said GET UP!" He screamed, and grabbed Grian by the arm, hoisting him up to his feet. Grian struggled to stay standing, but forced himself to, even though he almost fell as Sam loosened his grip. "Things are going to be different than how they used to be. Clearly last time, you thought you had enough freedom to run away. But I want you to know now that you are never leaving here, ever again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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