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                           Requested by  @Monooooooo  

        "BOOM!" Grian felt it before he heard it. A rumbling, just as he placed the last shulker box in the Sahara restocking area, and then an ear-splitting boom. He threw his hands over his ears in an attempt to soften the noise, but soon realized he couldn't hear it anymore. He couldn't hear anything anymore. The calming noise of the sea just outside the concrete Sahara walls was now replaced with an intense ringing blaring through Grian's head. 

  The other hermits heard it too, but far less intensely. They all rushed to the source, meeting together at what was left of the shopping district. What once were tall, intricate buildings teeming with various products and services, now sat a pile of destruction and rubble. All except for one, as Doc pointed out. Sahara. They all looked to the large building, just as someone began to emerge. 

  Grian's ears continued to ring as he carefully walked toward the exit. He looked out of the large door to see not only the large crater of the shopping district, but all of his friends staring at him in disbelief. Just then, the ringing got louder. It drowned out all of his thoughts, and he staggered, before hitting the ground in pain. He held his ears again, now feeling liquid flow out of one of them. He pulled his hand down and gazed upon the dark red liquid. He felt dizzy, and as he saw Mumbo fly over to him, he fainted.

  Slowly, as Grian's consciousness returned to him, so did the ringing. It was slightly softer now, but still just as concerning. He realized though that something else was off. He wasn't in his bed. He slowly opened his eyes, the light hitting his face intense and jarring, but eventually, he could see his surroundings. He was in Sahara again, but this time, he had iron bars surrounding him and none of his tools. He sat up and looked around confused, when finally, a little far away from him, he saw people. His friends. It was Doc, Mumbo, and Xisuma. They were talking, but Grian couldn't hear them. All he could catch was a few words he could read from their lips.

        "Can't keep... locked...this" Was all he could understand from Mumbo, when Doc interjected.

        "Don't know... capable of... could... done this." He could see how angry he looked. He could tell Xisuma started speaking, but with his back turned, he didn't know what he was saying. Suddenly, Grian began to panic. He spoke, though he couldn't hear it.

        "Why can't I hear you?" He asked, and all of them turned toward him. "Why can't I hear you?! Why can't I hear anything?! What's going on?! Please, I-" He began to hyperventilate and shake, screaming at the top of his lungs trying to hear something. Mumbo ran over to him and tried to calm him down. 

        "Grian...going... be ok." He tried, but Grian continued to scream.

        "What happened!? Why am I in a cage?! Why can't I hear you?!" He began to sob. Mumbo didn't know what to do as Xisuma and Doc walked over. X put his hands out, motioning for Grian to calm down, but all he could focus on was the ringing in his ear. 

        "Please, let me out! I need help! Please! Someone help me! I can't- I can't..." He trailed off sadly as he sat back down in the bed. He continued to shake as he held himself, looking down at his feet. The other 3 hermits looked at each other before Mumbo said something. Xisuma shook his head slowly, and Doc took a deep breath before retorting. They all began to walk away from the cage again when more people entered Sahara. Now, it was Joe, Cleo, and False. They all gave Grian a look of anger and resentment as they passed, sending another pang of sadness through him. This continued all day. Hermits would enter, give a look at Grian, and proceed to talk to Xisuma. At some point, everyone but Mumbo had left. The sun was beginning to set as the ringing continued. Grian laid in his bed, and began to cry until the peaceful silence of sleep washed over him. 

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