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Requested by AlphaWolf1107

It was just supposed to be a simple recon mission. Sneak into Area 77, find the time machine, and report back to Impulse and Ren. The sneaking in part was easy. He walked down the long tunnel leading him beneath Area 77 confidently, ignoring his armor for an extra amount of stealth. His outfit, however, had no ounce of stealth to it. Though it was recon, Ren offered him some diamonds if he did the whole thing in an alien costume. Grian agreed, not knowing just how hard it was to speak with it on. But he could see and hear, and that was all he needed. 

He reached the end of the tunnel and quietly broke through the wall, finding himself in a large tube leading down. He dropped into it, silently opening his elytra and gliding into the compound. He landed a bit off, the mask of the alien costume sliding over his eyes for a second. He stopped to adjust it back when he heard something behind him.

        "Uh, Doc? Doc! Get over here! We have a code red!" He called out, and Grian turned in confusion. He saw Scar, arms out defensively and slowly advancing toward him. 

        "Scar?"Grian asked, but was muffled by the mask, coming out only as a vibration. Suddenly, as he took a step toward Scar, he felt something hard slam against the back of his head. He hit the floor with the force of the swing, and as he looked up one last time before losing consciousness, he saw Doc, a bat in hand, and a furious look on his face.   

        "Doc, it doesn't speak English. It uses some sort of... vibration." Grian could hear Scar speaking, and though he knew it was in front of him, it sounded distant.

        "Fine, then let's wake it up with some vibration." Doc decided before slamming on something, shocking Grian enough to open his eyes and jump. He was in a chair, his wrists tied to its arms, and ankles tied to the legs. Doc's hand rested on the table between him and Grian, Scar nervously off to the side. Grian fidgeted in his restraints, unable to break them, and tried to speak. Once again, it only came out as muffled vibrations, and Doc leaned across the table toward him.

        "Why are you here? What planet are you from?" He interrogated, and while Grian tried to reply, it sounded like nothing but alien to Scar and Doc. He pleaded with them to let him go, take off the mask, realize it was him, but all it did was make Doc frustrated. After a while of useless banter, he slammed his hand onto the table again, stopping Grian in his tracks.

        "Enough. This isn't going anywhere." He sighed, and Scar piped up from the side. 

        "So what do we do with it?" 

        "Well, we can't just let it go. We don't know what its intentions are. Put it in a cell." Doc decided and Scar hesitated.

        "Wait, but what if it tries to escape? Our surveillance system is down, if it tries to escape we won't be able to see or hear it-"

        "Nothing escapes those cells, Scar. Now hurry up before you give it any ideas." Doc walked out of the room, and Grian looked over at Scar, who now held a baton of his own. Knowing what was coming this time, Grian shook and tried to get away from the impending blow, once again pleading for Scar to stop as he raised the baton nervously.

        "I'm sorry Mr. Alien." He admitted before swinging down with the baton, striking Grian and causing his body to slump in the chair. 

This time, Grian woke up in a foreign room. 3 of the 4 walls were plain white, the 4th being purely glass. His head pounded and as his eyes opened, the bright lights flooded into them, causing him to squint. He sat himself up from the cold concrete floor, preparing himself to stand up. Slowly, the realization set in. He was in a cage. And nobody knew he was there. He shot up, making him dizzy and ripped the mask off of his face. Finally, he could breathe clearly, and more importantly, he could talk. He could scream. He slammed his fists against the glass, hoping it would shatter, but instead, it wobbled slightly. He screamed for Doc or Scar, anyone to let him out. He screamed until his throat couldn't take it anymore and couldn't make any more sound to come out. He gave up on the glass too, and finally resigned himself to sitting in the back of the cell until someone found him. 

A few days went by, and finally, Ren gave into Impulse's concern and finally decided to go into Area 77 to look for Grian. They didn't sneak in like Grian, but walked right into it and met up with Doc and Scar outside the large buildings. 

        "What do you hippies want?" Doc lashed out, and Ren raised his hands in surrender.

        "Listen, all we want is Grian back." He tried, but they replied in confusion.

        "What? We don't have Grian." Scar replied, but Impulse jumped in. 

        "Well we haven't seen him for a couple of days, and the last we did, he was sneaking into your base." 

        "What?!" Doc asked in surprise, and Ren shook his head.

        "Look, we're sorry for sneaking in, but we just want Grian back." 

        "No, I'm telling you, we don't know where he is." Scar said genuinely, and Ren huffed.

        "Well, he's hard to miss. He was wearing a shiny alien costume, there's no way you didn't see him." Scar looked at Doc in realization and Impulse caught it.

        "What? Do you know where he is?!" Doc shook his head and tried to calm Scar down.

        "No, if that was him, he would've told us. That alien spoke in vibrations, remember." He rationalized as Ren connected the dots.

        "Wait, the costume made it hard for him to talk." He deduced, and now Doc looked frazzled. 

        "Oh goat." He said before turning and running into the compound. The rest of them followed all through the building before finally, the got to the cells. There, sitting in the corner of the white cell, sat a crumpled Grian, arms wrapped around his knees and head down, shaking slightly. Scar slammed on the button outside the cell, causing the glass to rise out of the way. Ren and Impulse ran over to him, making sure he was ok. 

        "Oh my god, was in here the whole time?!" Ren asked, and they nodded ashamed. 

        "Did you feed him?" Impulse asked, and looked back at Doc and Scar. They stood speechless.

        "We thought he was an alien!" Doc tried, but Ren shook his head. 

        "Well go get him some food!" He ordered, and the two ran. Impulse and Ren helped Grian to his feet, and let him lean on them as they walked out of the compound. He could barely stand, but eventually, they made it out and the sunlight hit Grian's face. He could feel a little bit of himself come back, until finally, Scar and Doc came back with some bread and carrots. Slowly, Grian recovered and was brought back to the hippy commune. He was laid down on a hammock, and finally, after multiple nights of uncomfortable sleep on a concrete floor, sunk into a peaceful rest. 

So I know I said I'd try to write requests in order of when they were asked for, but this was something I had an idea for the second it was requested, so I wanted to write it as soon as possible to avoid another sudden hiatus. Anyways, thanks for reading and being patient with me, I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved. 

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