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Requested by Milliemoo92
Little bit of context, this one is a kind of alternate ending to my book "Karma", where Mumbo and Iskall never found Grian. Enjoy!

  A year. Grian had been missing for a year. Mumbo and Iskall desperately searched the server, returning to the original underground prison many times, never getting any closer to him. After about a month, they couldn't play off the tale of "Grian's vacation" to the other hermits, and eventually had to come clean about Sam and the events that took place before Sahara's opening. Now, even with the full server's efforts to find him, they were never successful. Months continued to go by, and the longer he was gone, the fewer hermits held hope of finding him. Now, all but one hermit kept searching. Iskall checked in on Mumbo almost everyday, always finding him in a mess of a base, pondering what he had missed. The two were walking back from Sahara when an argument broke out.  

        "You have to let it go!" Iskall yelled, finally tired of Mumbo's constant speculation. "You've barely left your base in months, and when you do, it's always to look for him!"

        "I have to find him! I can't leave him with Sam! I can't! He's out there, somewhere, and he needs help!" Mumbo pleaded as Iskall took a deep breath.

        "He's gone, Mumbo! He's gone. There is no great rescue mission that we need to go on, if there was, it should have happened a year ago. He's gone. And there isn't anything we can do about it. So please, let it go, move on like the rest of us."

        "I'm not just gonna forget about him like the rest of you! You all gave up on him, and I refuse to. I won't stop until I find him." Mumbo finished, and Iskall rolled his eyes in defeat. Before he could respond, however, they heard something. A voice, one that sent chills down Mumbo's spine in recognition. 

        "Boys, boys, must we fight so loud, in public I might add? Take you squabbles somewhere else, where no one can hear your irritating voices." The voice called out, and they both turned toward it. There, standing confidently, stood Sam. Without any hesitation, Mumbo ran at him, sword drawn and ready to kill. Just as he was about to slash his sword, he heard Iskall cry out.

        "Mumbo, STOP!" He screamed in desperation, and Mumbo did. He stopped, unable to move as his eyes recognized the short figure now standing in front of Sam. 

        "Grian." He spoke, it only coming out as a breathy whisper. It was Grian, but not really. Everything about him was Grian, except for his eyes. Where once were vibrant eyes full of life and laughter, now were emotionless pits, greyed out and vacant.

        "Isn't it great?" Sam mused, placing a hand onto Grian's hair happily. "Who knew subjecting someone to their own death over and over again would break them so much. Isn't that right, pet?" He asked, and Grian just swayed slightly. 

        "What did you do to him?" Iskall asked quietly in shock. 

        "I just said-"

        "Shut up." Mumbo interrupted, and Sam smiled. "Grian? Come on, it's us. We're here to help you." he tried, and Sam laughed.

        "He can't hear you, dummy. He only responds to my voice. Speaking of which..." He placed a hand onto Grian's shoulder, causing him to flinch to the touch slightly. "Pet, attack." Grian stayed still for another moment, before lunging at Mumbo. He tackled him to the ground, wrapped his hands around Mumbo's throat, and began to squeeze. Mumbo gasped as he tried to shove Grian off of him. At this time, Sam was laughing hysterically, sending Iskall into a rage. He ran at Sam, and with Grian being preoccupied with Mumbo, Iskall was able to make it over to him. As Sam saw his impending doom running at him, he stopped laughing and began to panic. 

        "Pet, protect!" He yelled as he ran, and Grian released Mumbo. He gasped, desperately attempting to fill his lungs again as Grian sprinted at Iskall. Now, Iskall had Sam cornered and was advancing when he felt something painful at his back. He turned to see Grian, holding a small knife, slashing at him. His rage continuing, Iskall grabbed Grian's arm, twisting it and causing him to drop the knife. It fell to the ground with a clang as Iskall continued to hold Grian in place.

        "Snap out of it dude! We're your friends!" He yelled, but Grian ripped his arm out of Iskall's grip. He scrambled away, but felt a hand grab his shoulder and pull him to the ground. He hit the ground hard, smashing his head off of a rock in the process. Mumbo held him down as his vision went blurry, feeling something wet at the back of his head. 

        "Please, Grian! Come back! Whatever he did to you, fight it! Please!" Mumbo was crying now, and in Grian's last few seconds of consciousness, he felt one of Mumbo's tears fall onto his face.

        "Mumbo?" He said weekly as he looked up at him before closing his eyes and succumbing to his pain. 

        "Pet, protect!" Sam yelled again as Iskall again began to walk toward him, murderous rage in his eye. "Pet!" He yelled, and peered around Iskall. Iskall, too turned around, and saw Mumbo, holding Grian's limp body in his arms, sobbing. Iskall ran to them, kneeling down next to them.

        "Is he..."

        "I don't know! I pushed him, and his head hit a rock, and now there's so much blood and I don't know if he's... If I..."

        "Ok, ok, let's get help. He's going to be ok." Iskall decided, and Mumbo looked up at him.

        "What about Sam?" He asked, and Iskall realized he had forgotten about him. 

        "Shit." Sam was gone. "We'll worry about him later, right now out priority is Grian." He stated as he stood and looked around for help. Mumbo nodded, still holding his friend desperately, unwilling to let go.

  Light hit Mumbo's eyes as the sunrise shone through Grian's base, rousing him from his sleep in the chair at the side of Grian's bed. He slowly got up as he looked down at his friend, peacefully sleeping in the bed. Xisuma said the injury to his head wasn't serious, and with a few stitches and a good night's rest, he would be ok. As he began to move around, Grian also began to wake up. He laid on his back, staring blankly up at the ceiling. As Mumbo approached, he sat up and turned his head to look at him, meeting Mumbo with the same vacant stare from the day before. Mumbo reached and grabbed his hand, squeezing it slightly as he began to talk. 

        "Grian, if you're still in there, please, come back. I need you. We all need you." He began to tear up, but chuckled slightly as he spoke. "I never stopped looking. No matter how many times people tried to tell me you were gone, I didn't listen. Please, don't be gone. Please." He pleaded, looking up at Grian in desperation. Once again, he was met with the vacant stare, causing Mumbo to hold his head in his hands and cry. Then, suddenly, he heard something. He looked up to see Grian, eyes still vacant, yet crying. Slowly, the grey clouding his eyes cleared, and left the sad, beautiful eyes of Grian. 

        "Grian?" Mumbo asked hopefully, and Grian smiled slightly.

        "You brought me back." He whispered, and Mumbo threw himself on top of Grian. The two embraced each other, holding one another and refusing to let go ever again.

Ooh this one was fun. I wasn't planning on writing it today, but at like 4am last night, in an effort to fall asleep, I plotted out the whole story, and here we are. Also, I'm working on the other requests, so if you're worried I didn't see your request because I didn't respond to it, don't worry, I'm going to try to do all of them, I just want to be fair and do them in order of when they were requested. Anyway, thank you for reading and your patience with me, I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

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