KD: Buried

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  Hiya! I know the title of this is kinda weird, and I have a few updates for ya before you start reading. Please read at least the first few, or this one shot won't really make sense. So, what does the KD mean? Well, it means Karma Death. As a lot of you know, I wrote a Griangst book series called "An Old Friend", and in the second book, "Karma", Grian goes through multiple simulations of death. I then decided once I had finished that series that I still had death ideas in my head, so I made another mini-book of just those deaths. Well, I realized how much easier it is to just put them here. I only have 2 already written, and this is one of them, but it means anyone who requested a death on that other book will have it written here! Anyway, any chapter that starts with KD means its gonna be one of these, so if you don't vibe wit em, just ignore em :) Sorry if this is too confusing, if you still have no idea what is going on, just comment or msg me and ill try to explain it better. ALSO, TW ALL OF THESE ONE-SHOTS WILL HAVE DEATH AND DESCRIPTIONS OF DEATH, EVERY CHAPTER TITLE WILL SAY WHAT THE DEATH IS, SO IF YOU KNOW YOU WILL BE TRIGGERED BY THE CHAPTER, SKIP IT. Ok, that is all, and don't worry, regular requests and things with happy endings will still be written. K I've talked for way too long, enjoy!

  Grian awoke somewhere other than his usual cell, which at first he thought as a good thing. Then he felt the surface he was laying on. Wood. Scratchy wood. He tried to sit up in the pitch black but his head hit something on the way up. He reached up to his now in-pain forehead as he placed his other hand onto the surface above him. It was also wood, but he could feel screws messily placed all over. As he put his hand on it though, a small shower of particles fell onto his face. Some of it landed in his mouth, and he felt his body shiver in terror as he recognized it. Dirt.

  He began to hyperventilate, not thinking of his limited oxygen supply, and slammed his fist again onto the coffin's roof. It only resulted in more dirt falling, and he felt the dirt become mud as it mixed with the steady stream of tears covering his face. He screamed, hoping desperately someone would hear him. No one did, of course, but he screamed anyway. Finally, his senses came to him, and he began to breathe shallow breaths. He could already feel the thinning of his air, but despite his panic, he was able to control his breath and compose himself.

  Unaware of what else to do, he reached his hands up to the wood and desperately began to claw at the nails holding him in his wooden prison, trying to twist them out of place. The air around him struggled to fill his lungs fully, and he heard a voice. 

        "You keep breathing like that, you're gonna die faster." It said matter of factly, and Grian looked around him confused. Next to him laid Sam. Somehow, though the box's shape never changed, Sam laid next to him in an impossible space. Grian tried to reach out to him but was met with the same scratchy wood wall. 

        "What?" Was all he could say, and Sam laughed. 

        "You're hallucinating, silly. Happens when your brain runs out of oxygen." He snarkily replied, and Grian began to panic again. 

        "But why you?" He asked, and Sam shrugged. 

        "I don't know. I'm a figment of your imagination." Grian once again scratched at the screws, and finally, it began to loosen. He clawed at it excitedly and heard Sam's distant voice beside him. 

        "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said simply and Grian shrugged him off. He went to the next screw and began to twist.

        "No really, I wouldn't do that." He tried again, but Grian looked over at him. 

        "Shut up!" He yelled desperately and continued to unscrew his death trap. Sam stayed quiet as Grian reached the last screw. He hadn't noticed the added weight to the part of the coffin already unscrewed, and as he unscrewed the final screw above his head, he realized his flaw. With the drop of the screw, the entire weight of the ground above him fell. Now the top of his coffin pressed onto him heavily, pinning his arms down and further restricting his chest. Not only could he not breathe due to the weight on his chest, but with the roof coming down, a large pile of dirt followed. It covered his face, and unable to move, he breathed it in. It filled his lungs, and in his last, painful seconds, all he heard was a distant whisper. 

        "Told ya."

I'm still super happy with this one :) Also, hey, I asked this in an announcement, but not many people responded, so I'mma put it here. If I were to do a Q&A type thing, would anyone care or have questions? They can be about anything, my past books, or just me in general. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, the second one should come soon, I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

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