Fast Reflexes

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Requested by @kirboisyournewgod , I tweaked the prompt a bit, so I hope that's ok, but it's still the same kind of concept!

The wind hit his back unnaturally, and Grian's momentum slowed. He looked back and noticed the sudden holes littering his elytra. Iskall raced forward, unaware of his friend's fate. He called out to him as he began to plummet, but was flipped over before he could see if Iskall heard him. He felt sick as his body went from soaring to falling. He couldn't think straight. He was going to die. He would hit the ground horribly and Iskall would keep going without him. Then, he suddenly remembered he had another elytra. Seconds before he would have collided into the earth, his mind went blank. He blacked out, and when he came back to consciousness, he was in the air again, soaring upward, back above the clouds. There floated Iskall, who had a huge surprised smile on his face.

        "Dude! That was so awesome! You were falling, and then you weren't! Man, some reflexes you've got, huh?!" He cheered, and Grian realized what had happened. He would have died. There was no way humanly possible to change his elytra so quickly. But with a watcher's reflexes, it took him less than a second. He smiled at Iskall slightly before continuing on, making sure they were never close enough for Iskall to see Grian's worry. He couldn't let them know about his watcher abilities. What would they think of him? He didn't want to find out. The two landed in the shopping district, where they met up with Mumbo. As soon as they landed, Iskall began retelling the story from his point of view.

        "Yeah, it was awesome, I heard him yell to me, but when I turned around, he wasn't there. I looked down and saw he was falling, and like inches from the ground, he pulled up. It was so cool!" He mused as Grian turned his back to them, opening his ender chest. Unbeknownst to him, Mumbo went over to high five him. The moment Mumbo's hand was raised, Grian blacked out. It only lasted a second, when he heard Iskall yelling.

        "Grian?!" He yelled in disbelief as his vision came back. Slowly, he put together what he saw. Iskall was standing in front of Mumbo, who now held his bleeding nose in pain. Grian's hand also hurt, and as he looked down, noticed it was covered in someone else's blood. 

        "Oh god, Mumbo, I-"

        "Grian, what was that?" Mumbo asked, and he stopped. 

        "I- what?" He asked, and Mumbo moved next to Iskall. 

        "Yeah, your eyes, they...they were like...glowing... purple." Iskall started. "And no offense, but you don't have the strength to throw a punch like that," he added, and Grian took a step back.

        "Oh-Oh no." He began to mumble as Iskall and Mumbo looked at him in confusion. He kept backing up when suddenly, he fired a rocket. It took him into the air, away from them and his problems. "They know. Oh god, they know. What now? I can't go back, I have to leave. I hurt him with it. I've never hurt anyone with it. Oh god." His mind raced as he flew, until he realized he needed to go back to his base. He had a bag there, already packed in case of a situation like this. He knew this day would come, and prepared for it as best as he could, but hadn't prepared for Mumbo and Iskall there waiting for him when he arrived. Iskall had Grian's bag in hand, looking through it sadly. As Grian landed, they looked up at him.

        "Grian, what's going on?" Iskall asked calmly, but Grian couldn't look at them. He tried, but every time he even saw their shoes, his eyes would fill with tears. He didn't want to leave, but he couldn't stay as long as they knew what he really was. 

        "Why do you already have a bag packed to go? How long have you been ready to leave?" Mumbo asked nervously.

        "Since I got here." Grian admitted quietly, and Mumbo shook his head.

        "Why? I thought you were happy here." Iskall added, and Grian broke down.

        "I am happy here! I'm so happy here! But I can't stay!" 

        "Why not?!" Mumbo yelled in confusion.

        "Because I'm dangerous! You saw what happened today! I can't control it! I'm not going to put any of you in danger just for my own happiness." He cried as tears flooded down his face. 

        "What are you talking about?" Iskall inquired, and Grian sighed.

        "I'm not... I'm not like you guys. I... The place I was before Hermitcraft, it had... There were these things called Watchers. And when I became one of them... I got... powers." He finished, and they looked at him confused. 


        "Reflexes. You saw me falling, well I shouldn't have been able to change my elytra. I should have been dead. But my reflexes kicked in, and I survived. Then when Mumbo..." He raised his fist slowly, showing them the dried blood still on it. 

        "Grian, if all of this is true, then it wasn't your fault." Mumbo tried, but Grian shook his head.

        "Please, I can't stay. If it starts with a punch, then I don't want to be around to see what is next. I'm sorry, but I have to go."

        "No, you don't. Grian, you are a Hermit. You are apart of this family. And if it takes us being a bit more careful around you for you to stay, then fine. But you can't just leave your family. I won't let you." Mumbo told him as he walked forward. 

        "Yeah, me neither," Iskall added, still holding Grian's bag. Mumbo kept walking toward Grian, and once he was close enough, he threw his arms around him in a hug. Grian stood there for a moment before hugging back. Then Iskall joined the hug, and Grian sighed. 

        "Ok. I'll stay. But you have to help me explain all of this to the rest of the Hermits."

Sorry, most of these Grian stories have mostly Mumbo and Iskall as the other main characters, but those 3, Bdubs and Keralis are the only hermits I really watch like every video of. And since Grian doesn't interact with Bubbles and K all that much, Mumbo and Iskall are all I'm left with. Imma try to branch out a bit more, but sorry in advance. Anyway, thanks for reading! I hope it was good enough Kirbo. Also, requests are still open. I have 2 more queued up, but I'm always down for more! Check chapter 1 for details if you haven't already. And as always, I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

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