Just A Prank

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          "Just this way, almost there!" Tango and Zedaph snickered innocently to each other as they led a blindfolded Grian from the shopping district into an open field. 

        "Remind me again why I can't have any of my stuff for this surprise?" Grian asked and Tango answered confidently. 

        "Just trust us, you aren't going to need any of it." 

        "Well, I have a Sahara meeting soon, so can we hurry this up?" Grian asked and was suddenly stopped in place, 

        "Ok, here we are." Grian felt the guiding hands lift off of his shoudlers.

        "Can I take the blindfold off now?" 

        "Not yet! Just take 3 more steps forward, then you can." Zed answered and Grian nodded. He walked the 3 steps and noticed the air get colder as he did. He pushed the blindfold up, and noticed how dark it suddenly was. A small ray of sunlight shone into what he now recognized as an obsidian box surrounding him. He turned and watched as a smiling Tango and Zedaph placed the last bit of obsidian behind him, sealing him in complete darkness. Grian's breath caught as he looked around. Small box, no light, no escape. 

Tango and Zedaph laughed outside, thinking that their harmless prank was hilarious. Inside, Grian screamed at them to let him out. He knew obsidian was soundproof, but he didn't care. He couldn't do anything else. The walls began to shrink in his mind, and he suddenly couldn't breathe. He began to claw at the rock, rapidly losing breath. His clawing turned into desperate smashing his hands against it. After a while of banging on the wall, he drew his fist back and saw blood. Tears flooded his face and his breath quickened. He never had enough air in his lungs before he exhaled it back out. His legs gave out from under him, and all he could do was crawl to the corner of his prison and cry. 

Iskall and Mumbo were flying around, looking for their friend. He hadn't shown up to their Sahara meeting and they were going to reprimand him when they saw the still chuckling Tango and Zedaph outside of a small obsidian cube. 

        "What are you guys doing?" Iskall asked, and the two couldn't stop laughing. 

        "Just a small little prank," Tango said in between wheezes, and Zed nodded. 

        "Oh, on who?" Mumbo asked, a smile on his face only explainable by the inability to not smile around someone laughing so hard. 

        "Grian." Zedaph replied as he began to catch his breath. Mumbo's smile dropped to fear so suddenly that Tango and Zed stopped laughing immediately. 

        "What do you mean, Grian?" Iskall asked suddenly, just as scared as Mumbo. 

        "Well... we told him we had a surprise for him... and that he had to put away all of his armor and tools for it. We led him here and well..." Tango pointed at the impenetrable box behind them, and Iskall and Mumbo looked at each other quickly. 

        "Oh god. Get him out of there!" Iskall yelled, and Mumbo pushed through Tango and Zed and up to the box.

        "Grian? Grian, we're here. We're gonna get you out of there." Mumbo coaxed through the wall, but Grian couldn't hear him. He still sat in the corner, head buried in his knees and sobbing uncontrollably. 

        "Wait, what's happening? It's just a prank guys." Tango tried, but Iskall marched up to him angrily. 

        "Just a prank?! Grian is extremely claustrophobic! He's probably freaking out in there! What the hell did you guys do?!" He screamed at them just as Mumbo broke through the obsidian with his pickaxe. Zedaph was about to reply when he was stopped. As the light shone into the box, now they could all see Grian clearly. The small man held himself with bloodied hands, shaking uncontrollably in the corner. Neither Tango nor Zedaph could speak as Mumbo ran to Grian, gently picking him up and carrying him out into the warm sunlight. Grian continued to shake as he was carried in front of Tango and Zed. 

        "Oh my god, Grian, we are so-" Zed started but Iskall cut him off. 

        "No. You don't get to talk to him right now. Go get something for his hands." He commanded, and Tango tried to speak again.


        "Go!" He waved them off before walking over to Mumbo, who was now gently laying Grian down onto the soft grass and trying to calm him down.

         "Hey, it's us. You're not in that box anymore, you're not trapped. Just breathe, ok? Breath with me." Mumbo said before taking a deep breath in and out. Grian tried to emulate him, still hyperventilating. After a while, his breathing stabilized and Tango and Zed returned with a potion of healing. Iskall took it from them, still angry, and lightly poured it over Grian's hands. In a flash, they were healed, and Grian looked over to Tango and Zed. They looked back at him with eyes swimming with regret, and Grian stood. He walked over to them, and they broke.

        "We are so sorry, we didn't-" Tango started and was interrupted by Zed.

        "Yeah, we didn't know, we never would have done that if we had-"

        "Guys, guys, it's ok. I know you didn't know. Just, no more pranks like that, ok?" Grian calmly answered, and they nodded vigorously in understanding. He walked back over to Mumbo and Iskall, took a deep breath, and smiled. "How about an outdoor Sahara meeting today?"

Much more tame than the last one, I must say. There we go! Another one-shot done! The next chapter will hopefully be the request I got, so expect that at some point. Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

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