KD: Drowned

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Grian could sense where he was before he could see it. Distant seagulls, the sea breeze filling his lungs, and the heavy crashing of deep waves. They were the same scents and sounds he woke up to every morning, only this time they had a deadly undertone as he found he couldn't move his body. He was on his back, the cold quartz of his base's bridge seeping through his sweater, sending chills throughout his entire body. Opening his eyes, he was met with Sam's face directly in front of his.

"Morning!" He gleamed, and Grian flinched backward. He could feel ropes rubbing against his wrists under his back, more rope around his ankles, with something else attached to it. Sam grabbed him by the collar of his sweater and stood him up onto his feet, pulling him to the end of the bridge. He shuffled, only able to take very short steps with his bound feet, and realized what else was connected to his ankles. Sam held a large metal ball in his hand, and he followed it's chain to his ankles. He was about to speak before he watched Sam, a huge smile plastered onto his face, toss the ball into the churning sea. After a second of painful silence, Grian's legs were taken out from under him as the chain caught up with the descending ball. He fell onto his back and hands and felt a crack as his full weight smashed onto them. He was about to scream in pain when he was yanked into the ice-cold water.

He sank with terrifying speed, and Grian watched as the white extending bridge quickly became a distant silhouette far above him. He held his breath but knew he wouldn't last long. He tested his restraints, and they gave him a little room to move. As he sank, he noticed something. Among the deep dark water he found himself in, there was multicolored, blossoming coral. Surrounding him stood tall towers of bright colors, teeming with all different kinds of fish. They swam in and out of the pores of the towers, seemingly unaware of the dying man now forced into their environment. His lungs began to burn with the absence of oxygen, in desperation he again began to test his restraints. The ones around his ankles stayed firmly in place, but the ones around his wrists seemed to loosen slightly.

As he moved his hands, he remembered the crack he heard when he landed on the bridge. Fire filled his hand as the broken bones shifted with his movement. His scream of pain was cut short by his lack of breath, and all he could do was let his salty tears mix with the salty depths surrounding him. His head felt like it was about to explode, crushed by the water around him. Despite his pain, he once again tried to free his wrists. His brain screamed at him to stop, but he persisted until finally, the rope was loose enough for him to slip out. His hands were free, but he could feel the fire not only in his hands but in his lungs now. His body shook in desperation as he leaned down and began to tackle the knot at his ankles. Only being able to use one hand, it took him a while, but after a few seconds of struggling and his body screaming at him for breath, his ankles were untied and his body began to float up. With his remaining energy, he pushed up from the ocean floor and swam as fast as he could toward the fading sunlight above him, but the farther up he got, the more energy he lost. His vision was getting blurry, arms almost unmoving at this point, but Grian was still conscious. He felt his body shutting down, his lungs screamed at him to open his mouth, and he did. He couldn't fight it anymore. He opened his mouth and inhaled. All he could feel was pain as the salty water filled his lungs, until he felt something at the very end. In his last second, he felt the tips of his fingers break the surface. The cool ocean air danced on top of them as Grian's life faded.

Here is the second of the pre-written Karma Mini-Series chapters. Also, since a lot of people really wanted a part 2 of the Desaturated Vampire!Mumbo, Imma do you one better, and turn it into a full book! I have no idea when the first chapter will come out, but I'll post about it here and make sure you don't miss it. I hope you enjoyed, have a good day/night, and you are loved.

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