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Requested by: 

Important update at the end of the chapter, please read if you have or are planning to make a request.

Hunger. It was all Mumbo could focus on. He tried for as long as he could to ignore it, snacking on the occasional rat when it got really bad, but he knew at some point he would need something stronger. Something human. Grian knew it too. The first time Mumbo went without drinking human blood, he nearly died. Grian had noticed how desaturated Mumbo had become, his skin almost grey. In his weakness, Mumbo broke and told Grian his vampiric secret. After a while of contemplation, Grian agreed to let Mumbo feed off of him, but only a little. Just enough to keep Mumbo alive for another 6 months or so. After a while, it became a sort of routine. Mumbo would start to lose color and strength, and the next night would go to Grian's base to feed. 

Grian noticed Mumbo's discoloration this time first but said nothing. Mumbo would go to him when he was ready, so he wouldn't rush him. He knew how guilty it made Mumbo, no matter how much Grian assured him he was ok with it. Mumbo still refused to see Grian until one night, as Grian began to get ready for bed, he noticed a figure by the entrance. It was Mumbo, hunched over, barely able to stand. Grian ran over to him, helping him walk over to his bed and sitting with him. 

        "Why did you wait so long?!" Grian asked, angry but more concerned.

       "I... didn't..." He struggled, and Grian huffed.

        "Never mind, tell me after, here." Grian stuck out his wrist, offering it to Mumbo. He looked at Grian sadly, before grabbing onto his arm and sinking his teeth into it. Grian winced in pain, but let it happen. This continued for a little while until Grian began to feel slightly woozy. He tried to pull his wrist away, but Mumbo held strong. His mind was elsewhere and all he could focus on was drinking. 

        "Mumbo... Mumbo stop." Grian continued to try to pull away, but Mumbo was a lot stronger than him. "Mumbo!" He tried to use his free hand to push Mumbo away, but ultimately, with Mumbo's strength and his rapid blood loss, all he could do was sit and let it happen. Mumbo continued to drink until finally, he heard something that snapped him out of it. Just as he felt his whole strength return, he heard Grian weakly say,

        "...not your fault." Mumbo stopped and looked at his friend, who now was just as desaturated and pale as Mumbo was. He realized how limp the wrist he was holding now was, and let go instantly. Grian's body fell limp onto the bed. 

        "Grian!" Mumbo grabbed onto Grian's shoulders, sitting him up against the head of the bed. "Oh god, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He cried and looked around Grian's base for anything that could help. Finally, after his eyes landed on a sword, Mumbo came to a grave realization. He ran and grabbed the sword, sitting back down next to Grian and taking a deep breath. He pressed the sword onto his arm, and as he sucked air in through his teeth, he pressed his now bleeding arm onto Grian's open mouth, desperately hoping he wasn't too late. "Come on, Grian, drink." He pleaded, but Grian stayed limp and grey. Mumbo pulled his arm away slowly, holding it to stop the bleeding, and sobbed. He had killed his best friend. The only other person who knew about him. And he would never come back, not even as a vampire. Mumbo cried for a while, until he felt something move next to him. He looked over at Grian's body, vision blurred by tears, and saw him blink. He wiped away his tears as he watched Grian yawn slightly and looked over at his crying friend, confused.

        "What? What happened? Did I pass out?" Grian asked, but as he talked, he realized something was different. "Aw, what's wrong with my teeth?" He asked as he reached up and felt 2, long pointy teeth extending farther than the rest. 

        "Grian, I... I took too much. I'm so sorry, I didn't know I was doing it, and then I stopped and you were all grey and I... I panicked." He fumbled, and Grian took in a deep breath. 

       "So... I'm... like you now? A..."

        "A vampire." Mumbo confirmed, and Grian nodded slowly. 

        "Well, I guess that's better than dead." He chuckled slightly. "God, how do you deal with these things?" He reached up to his teeth again, and Mumbo smiled. 

        "Well you see, you just..." 

Important (Kinda) Update: So, as you may have noticed, the frequency of posting these is slow. And the reason for that is because I wanted to write these requests in order of when they were requested so that people wouldn't have to wait long, and it would be fair. But in doing that, I would get newer requests that I would just read and be excited to write, but couldn't since there were others to do first. That's not to say that if I don't do your request before someone else that it's bad or boring, it just means I have a more prominent idea for another. So I'm sorry if you've been waiting a long time for your request to be written, I am going to write it at some point I promise, I just wanted to let everyone know why I have been kinda picking and choosing which requests to do lately. I hope you can understand. 

Anyway, thanks for reading. It's not the best one I've written, but if I spend any more time on it, I'll end up deleting it all and starting over, and I really don't want to do that. I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

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