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        "Uh oh..." Xisuma looked at the shattered glass sprinkled at his feet. The flashing red lights danced across his helmet as he scrambled to turn the blaring alarm off. The subsequent silence felt louder than the ear-splitting alarm as he looked at the ruin of the room. The screens around him blinked with warnings, searing his fears into his mind. 

        "Warning - Subject escaped - Return subject to containment immediacy - Subject extremely dangerous" His brain fired neurons too fast for him to keep up with, but one thing remained constant. Ex had escaped, and he was angry.

Grian landed in his base, tired from a busy day of building and socializing, and began to take off his armor. As he slipped his elytra off of his back, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. He tried to follow it with his eyes, but before he knew it, it was gone as quickly as it had appeared. 

        "Hello?" He tried and was surprised to hear a response.

        "You're the chaotic hermit, right? Grian, isn't it?" A voice called out with seemingly no source, but Grian thought he recognized the accent ringing off of the metal helmet. 

        "X?" He asked, only to be answered by a slight chuckle.

        "Not exactly." The voice mused, and the tone of voice sent a chill throughout Grian's body. 

        "Well, X or not, quit hiding." He commanded with false confidence, and the voice laughed again. 

        "Fine. But I don't think you're going to like what you see." Grian watched as a figure emerged from behind his mess of shulker boxes. Though they wore Xisuma's normal suit and helmet, it was a deep red instead of the welcoming green. Just beneath the helmet, Grian could see white hair peeking out where brown hair should have been. But the most noticeable feature of the figure was the large gem sitting on his chest. It glowed and wavered a slight red light, and Grian was mesmerized by it for a moment before the figure put his hand over it. Grian was snapped out of the trance, thoroughly troubled by everything about the figure. He could feel the evil dripping from the man, and began to back away in fear. 

        "Wh-Who are you? What are you?" 

        "Well, I suppose I'm good old XisumaVoid. Kinda. But better." His smile went away as a slightly pained face replaced it. Grian watched as the figure stopped walking, winced, and as the sickening sound of a crack left his ears, witnessed the figure remove his hand from his chest, revealing the gem again. Only now, it was cracked in half, the other half gripped tightly in the figure's hand. His smile reappeared as he continued to advance toward Grian, who had now felt his back make contact with the wall behind him. 

        "Why are you here?" He asked, desperately searching for an escape. He looked past the figure and saw the open night sky. It was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, before the figure came back into focus. His only way into that beautiful freedom was through the quickly advancing threat. 

        "I'm weak. I hate to admit it, but I am. And since I heard you have a knack for chaos and destruction, I thought you would make the perfect host." He finished, and Grian took a deep breath. He calmed himself down a bit before running as fast as he could toward the figure. In a blink of speed, Grian's momentum was halted, the figure shoving him back toward the wall with speed and strength unnatural to Grian. As his body slammed into the wall behind him, the figure was now directly in front of him. He placed one hand over Grian's mouth, and the other onto Grian's chest, pinning him against the wall and muting any noises he could have made. Grian had almost forgotten about the gem the figure held, but as it seared through his sweater and touched his skin, he screamed in remembrance and pain. Muffled by the figure's hand, Grian tried to fight him back. He grabbed onto the figure's arm, using all of his strength to try and pull it away from his burning flesh. It didn't work, however, and after a few more excruciating seconds, the pressure pinning Grian against the wall released. He fell to his knees, grasping at his chest. Tears flooded from his eyes as he felt where once was smooth skin, now sat a jagged gem sticking out. He looked up the figure leaning over him with desperation.

        "What did you do to me?" He asked weakly in between sobs before his vision got spotted. He was dizzy, desperately trying to balance on all fours, before he couldn't keep his eyes open. He opened and closed them again and again when suddenly, he opened his eyes, but something was wrong. He was seeing through his eyes, but couldn't move them. He couldn't move at all. He felt his body stand but knew he hadn't. He had no control of his body, but sat and watched as something else did. It looked to the figure with familiarity and waited. 

        "Reak havoc." The figure said simply, and Grian's body nodded in response. Panic overtook him as his body put on his elytra, stood in the center of his base, and flew off into the night. He screamed to slow down, to stop, to go home, but his body didn't listen. It continued to soar high above the sky before landing. Grian watched in horror as his body softly landed on the familiar ground of Mumbo's base. It rifled through a few chests until it found what it was looking for. Grian could feel in his hands the chalky residue of flint, the cold steel in his other. Once again, he screamed for his body to stop, but could do nothing but watch as he struck the two things together, sending a spark toward the wooden chest in front of him. Satisfied with it's actions, Grian left as the rest of the base quickly caught on fire. Just as the rocket in Grian's hand fired, he heard something he would never unhear. Screams. Mumbo's screams. Screams of pain and agony. Screams of death. The rocket fired, and Grian felt the fire at his back as he flew away. 

This continued all night. He would watch as his friend's bases come into view, deep dread filling his whole being. Tnt blown outside Iskall's base, going into Falses base and stabbing her as she slept, poisonous potions thrown onto Bdubs' resting form. He watched as only a spectator as he murdered his friends. Finally, as the sun began to rise, not a single noise could be heard on the server other than the rockets propelling Grian back to his base. There sat the figure, smiling as he watched the sun rise over the dead, silent server.

        "Is it done?" He asked, and Grian felt his head nod. The real Grian was catatonic, unable to think or process anything. What had he done? His friends were dead. He had killed them. The figure stood and walked toward Grian, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

        "Good. Now let's go see if we can find any more places to corrupt."

Not every story has a happy ending. One hell of a way to start this book off though, huh? Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed. Even I'm a bit shook after this one, so... sorry? Welp, more to come. Let's hope the next one will have a happier ending I guess. We'll just have to wait and see. Thank you for reading, I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

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