day five (mlm) (watching movies)

59 7 25

06/05/21: write an entry centered around a pansexual/panromantic character


It was during Markie's first viewing of Fight Club with his girlfriend when he realized, with conviction, that he was undoubtedly not heterosexual. No, he was definitely a fan of Brad Pitt's abs, and not just comparing. But it was only during their fifth rewatching of what had quickly become Daisy's favorite movie that Markie had summoned up the courage to make a single comment.

"Wow, Brad Pitt's pretty hot in this," he had said with all the bravado of the class quiet kid doing a public speaking presentation.

Daisy had shot him an odd look. "What?"

She was a sweet girl, but she was a very traditional one, so it was of no surprise (but a little disappointment) to Markie that he watched Fight Club for the sixth time with his best friend instead.

Now let it be known that Jackson was probably the hottest person Markie had ever seen. Hotter than Brad Pitt, definitely. He had that beautiful dark brown skin, close-cropped curly hair, and the toned body of an athlete. Most of the time, staring at his own spaghetti-noodle figure in the mirror, he wondered just how Jackson was his best friend. Attractiveness-wise, Jackson was significantly higher up on the totem pole. But Jackson was his neighbor, so their mothers were close, and a friendship that had been borne at a young age out of obligation had soon become genuine.

Jackson was open about his sexuality in a way that Markie could only dream of being. He hadn't labeled it the way Markie had internally labeled his own (pansexual), but he had dated enough people that weren't girls for the school to get the memo: Jackson was not straight.

And to anyone else, this need not have mattered. But Markie, poor Markie, was just a teeny, tiny, eensy weensy bit in love with him. Just a smidge, mind you.

"Wow, Brad Pitt's pretty hot in this," Markie said, his voice coming out in a robotic monotone. He had practiced it so many times that it lacked emotion.

Jackson glanced over at him. "You good?"

Markie flushed several shades of red, before his face settled on a stunning scarlet. "Um," Markie replied.

"You watched this with Daisy a ton, right?" Jackson asked, pausing the movie. "If you don't wanna finish it..."

"No, no, we can," Markie said quickly. Jackson nodded, unpausing. "But, Brad Pitt, right?" Markie asked, releasing a nervous laugh. "Hot. Very, uh, attractive."

Jackson's lips were quirked in (as far as Markie was concerned) the most adorable of smiles, though his gaze was fixed steadily on the TV. "Sure."

"Sure?" Markie repeated, horrified and offended on Brad's behalf.

Jackson rolled his eyes, sighing. "Your type in men is Brad Pitt? I'm not sure if we can stay friends."

Markie gave an affronted sniff. "He's hot, okay?"

Jackson appeared unconvinced. "Sure, but there are hotter people."

"Like who?" Markie asked. "Name one."

"Like moi," Jackson said, indicating himself.

Markie gave a vaguely embarrassed chuckle. "Um..."

"Oh relax, dude," Jackson said. He shook his head. "I'm not flirting with you."

"Oh," Markie said, smiling weakly. "Of course." Markie sighed to himself. If only Jackson would.


lmao i had so much fun writing this for literally no reason. i think, after reid edwards, my favorite characters to write have to be nervous ones because IT'S ME they're me :}

anyways... what's your favorite one-shot been so far??

also um i had no idea what to do as my little parenthesized bit in the chapter title, so if anyone has ideasss...... i went back and forth between "fight club" and "watching movies" and i settled on the latter obviously :)

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