day twenty-nine (mlm) (fluff)

30 7 14

06/29/21: whatever you want

yes these are the characters from day 18


I sit with my back against Naveen's rather short bed. He is sprawled across the wooden floor, brown skin glowing in the honeyed square of light that the window casts. We've been talking for months now, though nothing is official, and I think it's safe to say that our long history of movie-theater-eye-fucking, clandestine hook-ups, secret meetings, and several ice cream dates resemble a fledgling closet relationship. At the very fucking least.

"Talk to me, bitch," Naveen gripes.

I glance up briefly from my phone, on which I'm texting Cole. "I may be a bitch, but at least I'm not yours," I say sweetly.

Naveen rolls into a crouch beside me and snakes a hand around the back of my neck, pulling my forehead to his. There are a few seconds of silence in which I'm aware that my erratic breathing fills the air. Naveen's perfect pink lips are curled in a smirk. He leans in and kisses me long and slow. I slip my hands up under his shirt, and he pulls away. "Are you really so sure of that?" he asks.

It takes me half a beat to realize what he means. I scowl and shove him. He falls, laughing, to the floor. "You'll pay for this," I warn.

"For what?" Naveen asks. "For making you want me?" He grins. "Everyone wants me."

"Not everyone gets you," I point out, "and I did."

"How you pulled me, we'll never know," Naveen sighs. "One of life's greatest mysteries."

"I fucking hate you," I grumble.

"But you don't hate fucking me," Naveen quips. I roll my eyes, going back to my phone. There's a pause, then, "Who are you texting?"

"Cole," I reply without looking up.

"Cole's hot," Naveen says.

"Shut up," I say. "You aren't even into white boys." I narrow my eyes, finally looking up at him. "You're just trying to make me jealous."

Naveen shrugs. "Is it working?" I huff, deciding not to answer. "Your ego is so fragile," Naveen says. "Why does it matter if I think someone's hot? We aren't even together."

"We aren't," I agree, refusing to take the bait.

"So do you want to be?" There's a nervous edge to Naveen's voice, and I put down my phone. He's glanced away from me, lying on the ground with his head facing the opposite wall. "Ever, I mean. In the future."

"I guess. I'm pretty far in the closet, though," I admit. "And you don't seem like you'd be cool with that, frankly." Naveen is out to pretty much everyone. I, on the other hand, am not.

"I would be," Naveen says quickly. "With you."

"Would you be?" I'm stalling for time, honestly.

"Yes," Naveen says, irritable at once. "You know, I was waiting for you to make the move, since that's the chivalrous thing to do when one--"

"I'm supposed to make the move?" I repeat, incredulous. "You're the one who eye-fucked me in that movie theater."

"You're the one who stalked me on Snapchat after," Naveen retorts, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well you're the one who initiated our first in-person meeting besides the theater," I exclaim.

"You kissed me first," Naveen snaps.

"And you--"

"Fine!" Naveen shouts, interrupting me. "Be my boyfriend!" He glares at me. "There, you happy?"

"I could've done with a dozen roses," I reply, but I'm smiling and he knows that I'm just teasing him.

"You're a real pain in the ass sometimes," Naveen says, shaking his head. "And you never answered my question."

I frown. "It was less of a question than a demand."

He sighs. "You never replied to my demand."

"What am I supposed to say to that?" I ask. "'Yes daddy'?"

Naveen bursts into laughter. "Just tell me if you're down," he says at last.

"I'm down," I say, then flash a grin. "And down bad too, it looks like."

He pokes me. I catch his hand and kiss it. "I knew you had a chivalrous side," Naveen says.

"Only for you," I sing.


that was cute

i feel single


also master procrastinator am i right 😎

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