day twenty-seven (wlw) (qsa meeting)

22 7 11

06/27/21: write an entry where a character attends their first queer-straight alliance

yes, this is the mc from day 2


My first meeting with the QSA was one that plagued me with nerves in the days prior. I had my heart set on going, and I had told at least half of my friends so. However, that didn't help with my anxiety.

The room was empty when I entered - I was often early to things, preferred to be early, actually. Only the art teacher sat behind a desk in the back, scribbling onto some sort of notebook paper.

I took a seat at one of the empty desks. Slowly, members trickled in. I kept my head down, dark, curling hair obscuring most of my face. There was lively chatter and a general air of camaraderie as people walked in. A few caught my eye and shot me curious glances or encouraging smiles. I hastily glanced away each time.

"Hey, you're Hiya, right?" A voice to my right, soft and sweet.

I gave a quick nod, not looking up. Someone slid into the chair of the desk next to mine. "I'm Cindy," she said.

I glanced up hesitantly, meeting her warm brown eyes. Her lips were curved in a cherry blossom smile. "Cool," I said.

"Is this your first time at one of these?" Cindy asked, tucking a strand of silky black hair behind her ear and leaning forward a little.

"Um, yeah," I replied, trying not to sound incredibly stiff and unapproachable. "How about you?"

Cindy shook her head. "I've been coming to these since freshman year."

"Cool," I said again. "What grade are you in?"

"I'm a junior," Cindy replied.

A grade ahead of me, then. Interesting. "Nice. Are you..." I trailed off, waving a hand vaguely. Cindy raised her eyebrows. "Why are you here?" I asked at last.

"Oh," Cindy said, sounding a bit surprised. "I'm gay. Lesbian. Love women." She offered a funny little smile.

I couldn't help smiling back. "Oh. Nice."

"What about you?" She sounded curious.

I felt my cheeks flush a little. "Oh. Um, I'm bi."

"Sweet," Cindy replied.

We chatted up until the meeting started. At that point, a tall girl with blonde curls and a track team jersey began to speak.

Cindy gave a happy little sigh from beside me. Her chin was in her hand. At my questioning look, she grinned, apologetic and sheepish all at once. "That's my girlfriend."

My eyes went wide, though from shock or jealousy I wasn't sure. I managed, "Oh."

At the end of the meeting, I didn't stick around for small talk. I raced down the hallways, determined to never attend another QSA meeting and be seduced by a very hot, very taken lesbian. However, the following Thursday, just before lunch, Cindy caught my eye in the hallway and waved.

"You're coming to the meeting today, right?" she asked.

Welp. There went my resolve.



sorry for being so late today

there's ur daily sapphic indian content <3

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