day thirty (mtf) (fairy)

23 8 24

06/30/21: whatever you want

yes, these are the characters from day four


Lila spent her days tangled up in pearl sheets. Her hair began to grow long and golden, her face no longer twisted in a permanent frown. The fairy women offered her concoctions and potions that she gulped down readily, and she now relished every second that she spent in front of the glass mirror that reflected her face, rather than her soul.

River often joined her, cool fingers caressing the smooth, soft skin of Lila's shoulder beneath the white chiffon gowns she had been supplied with. Sometimes, they leaned in, pressing their lips to Lila too.

The world was brighter in Fairyland, Lila decided. Or maybe it was just that she was happier. One evening, she decided to ask River the question that had nagged at her for months.

"Why did you all bring me here?" Lila asked.

River raised their eyebrows. "What?"

"Why did you kidnap me," Lila clarified, "and bring me here."

River took a seat at an embroidered chair in the corner, pouring themselves a glass of golden liquid. "Are you unhappy here?" Lila shook her head. River smiled, pointed teeth gleaming. "Then why do you wonder? Ignorance is bliss, Lila, darling."

Lila frowned. "Ignorance from what? Am I meant to wind up as supper for the royalty one night?"

River's laugh was like rocks on rocks. "I think you know we wouldn't eat you," River drawled. "If anything, we'd make you sing or dance for us, or something pretty like that."

Lila sighed. She twirled a strand of her long hair around her finger. "Please tell me."

River shrugged. "I don't see why you need to know."

"It's not that I need to, it's that--"

River clicked their tongue. "They warned me of this. Humans are so inquisitive, so curious." River stood, bored all of a sudden. "I'm going to go now."

"River," Lila tried, "I promise I won't react badly."

"Won't you?" River's voice was soft, dangerous. Lila shook her head vigorously. "Fine," River said. They sat down on the chair once more, one leg thrown carelessly over the armrest. "Every so often," River said, rolling the empty glass in their hand, "we bring a human here. It's to remind us of the fragility of human existence, and the beauty of fleeting human life. We raise you and then watch you die, and the common fairy folk are grateful for the kings and queens who offer them immortality." River studied her for a long moment. "It's a political ploy, honestly." They stood up now, crossing the room and tapping Lila on the nose. "You should be grateful I chose you. Dying in Fairyland is better than staying in that house and dying there."

"Why would your answer have made me react badly?" Lila asked, genuinely curious.

River's pointed teeth showed as they grinned. "Time moves faster in Fairyland, Lila dear. You'd have lived longer if you didn't live here."

River strode through the door, and it slammed shut in their wake.


in my headcanon, the royalty of fairyland is just all enbies, and the "common fairy folk" (as river refers to them) are cis men and women lmao

wouldn't that be a refreshing af change of pace ^

anyways i adore fairies and lila and river so i had to come back to this !!

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