day eighteen (mlm) (movie theater meet-cute)

37 8 15

06/18/21: write an entry centering around lgbtq characters who meet at a movie theater


I swear that he's been watching me more than the movie that's on. I, for my part, have kept my gaze directed at the screen. Mostly. It's not my fault that he looks like that. It's horrible. Nobody should be allowed to be that attractive. Especially not a boy.

He's here with two pretty girls - a blonde and a ginger - but I can't keep my eyes off of his dark hair and brown skin and pretty eyes. To be truthful, I can't really tell how pretty his eyes are. It's fucking dark in this movie theater, what can I say?

I've done my very best not to make eye contact, though. That would be like admitting that I've noticed him. And that would be really, really embarrassing.

"Rayan," Cole hisses at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Did you hear what I said?"

I give a sheepish smile and shake my head. "No."

Cole rolls his eyes. "You've been staring at those girls for, like, an hour. Give it a fucking rest."

I feel my cheeks pink a little. If only he knew. "Okay, okay, jeez."

"They are pretty hot though," Cole muses.

"I hope Kenzie hasn't bugged your clothes," I mutter. "She'd murder you if she heard you say that."

Cole pauses, glancing around. "Since nobody has burst in through the doors with an axe, I think we're safe from Kenz." Kenzie is Cole's extremely controlling girlfriend. Cole's ex, Kelsie, was the sweetest person ever. But she moved, and Cole moved on. Part of me (the gay part) was definitely hoping that Cole wasn't going to move on so fast. But that was stupid.

I glance back over to the boy a couple rows diagonally down. He meets my gaze. Oh fuck. Oh fuckity fuck fucking fuck. I look away quickly, but not before I catch sight of the smirk on his face. Oh god. Oh fuck. This is awkward.

Cole nudges me. "You good? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

I blink. "Oh. Um. I'm fine."

Cole looks unconvinced, but he turns back to the movie. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the boy stand up. He stretches languidly, much to the dismay of the people in the row behind him. His eyes flash to me as he walks towards the door, and he tips his head a little. The action lends an obvious meaning: you showed up as "nearby" on Grindr, so meet me outside. Just kidding. Or am I?

I make an excuse about having to use the bathroom to Cole, then rush for the doors. As they close slowly behind me, I glance around. The boy is nowhere to be seen. I frown. "I'm right here," says a voice. I turn, and there he is, leaning against the wall beside the door.

My heart is in my throat, and suddenly I'm beginning to reconsider this ill-fated idea. "Oh."

"Cat got your tongue?" he asks.

I can't help but snort. "You sound like a villain from a black and white movie."

His lips quirk in a smile. "That's exactly what I was going for, for your information."

"Sure," I say. I lean against the wall on the other side of the door. "So. What's this about?"

He raises his eyebrows. "I could ask the same of you. Why'd you follow me?"

"Because you obviously wanted me to follow you," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Bold of you to assume that I wanted to be stalked," he says, scoffing.

I grin. "But you did, didn't you?"

He shrugs. "I guess." He squints at me. "That was you on Grindr, right?" He turns on his phone and looks back and forth between the screen and my (unimpressed) face. "Catfish," he says at last.

I gasp dramatically. "Rude."

"I call it like it is. I don't have a reputation for being pleasant," he says.

"Really?" I ask. "You seem like a typical nice-guy."

He scowls at me. "I am not!"

I hold up my hands. "I call it like it is," I mock him.

He laughs a little. "I'm Naveen."

"Rayan," I reply. "Are you new around here?"

Naveen raises his eyebrows. "No. Just had a bit of a glow up."

"Must've been a big glow up, since I didn't notice you before," I say. There's a flirting edge to my tone that only comes out when I'm far away from friends and family and people who know me at school.

"I don't go to your high school," Naveen informs me.

I raise an eyebrow. "How do you know what high school I go to?"

He shrugs. "Your school team plays our school team sometimes."

"You play basketball?" I ask, frowning. I should know him if he does.

Naveen shakes his head. "Soccer."

"OH!" I exclaim. "I know you!"

Naveen looks amused. "Cool. Anyways, I've gotta get back inside. My friends are waiting."

"Wait," I say. "That's it?"

Naveen blinks at me. "Huh?"

"You were just going to eye fuck me for the entire movie in order to have a civil conversation? That was your plan?" I ask, mildly disappointed. Only mildly. Just a teeny tiny bit.

Naveen gives a one-shoulder shrug. "If you want more, then get to know me." With that, he turns, striding into the movie theater.

Oh, I think to myself, I most certainly will.


fyi i have no idea how grindr works so if someone could inform me,,,,, then,,,,,,, um that would be great.

there's ur gay desi (gaysi??) content, because i've been missing this shit

anyways. these meet-cutes are adorable.

**cont on day 29**

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