twenty-one (wlw) (musician meet-cute)

35 9 16

06/21/21: write an entry centering around lgbtq characters who meet each other in a music-related situation/bond over music


Marie tucked a wayward curl behind her ear, spinning around in front of the mirror with mild boredom. The dress she was wearing was lovely, it was true, but she had more important things on her mind than cream-colored, flower-pattered silk skirts. The young musician who was to be lodging with them was arriving that day. A maid bustled in, clasping Marie's hand in hers and dragging her out of the room. She caught sight of her mother, posed neatly at the bottom of the stairs with her hands resting delicately on the bannister.

"Marie," Mrs. Martin said by way of greeting.

"Mother," Marie replied with a tight nod.

The house was filled with a rarely-found dead silence as they waited for the musician to arrive. at last, the clopping of hooves on the stones outside shook the Martins out of their reverie.

"Be polite," Mrs. Martin warned quietly. Marie nodded, apprehension filling her. Suddenly, she felt a spark of nervousness in her gut. How she wished she had spent a few more moments in front of the mirror now. The sounds of Mr. Martin's bright laughter and the musician's words drifted through the grand wooden doors as they ascended the steps. Marie leaned forward slightly, clutching the bannister, as the doors swung wide and two people stepped inside. First her father, dressed sharply in his military uniform. Then the musician, resplendent in... a gown? The bewilderment must've shown on Marie's face, because Mrs. Martin smacked her hand lightly and glared.

"Marie!" Mr. Martin's voice boomed.

"Yes father?" Marie replied timidly.

"Come meet the musician who is to stay with us," he said with a warm smile.

Marie carefully picked her way down the staircase, stopping in front of their charge to analyze the girl. Her hair was cropped short like a boy's, a veil perched in it obscuring much of her face. The twinkle of midnight-blue eyes was to be made out behind the fabric. "I'm Jessie," the girl said, holding out a hand as though to shake with Marie.

Marie opened her mouth to make her own introduction. "I'm—"

"Sorry I'm late," came a pleasant, melodic voice from the top of the stairs. A well-dressed young man descended them quickly, pressing back a few strands of dark hair that had fallen into his face. "I'm Vincent. pleasure to meet you," he said, pushing Marie gently aside and taking Jessie's outstretched hand. He shook it firmly instead of kissing the back. "Now that we've..." Marie's brother glanced around the entryway, "completed the introductions, how about I show our lovely musician where she is to stay?"

"That would be great," Jessie said quickly. Marie realized that she had an American accent. Peculiar. They hadn't been privy to much of the information about their musician, only that the person would be arriving at so-and-so time on so-and-so date. Marie found herself cursing the informants more by the minute. She hated being caught unprepared, and she further hated being stood up by her elder brother.

"Shall we?" Vincent asked, holding out an arm expectantly.

Jessie brushed past him, walking swiftly into the corridor. "I'm not a lady," she said with a sharp smile. "So I suggest you treat me as such."

Vincent recovered with surprising grace. "Of course," he said, waving a hand. "Let me show you to your room." He traipsed gracefully away, Jessie following after. Marie felt a spark of jealousy in her gut. So much for the musician being her perfect match.


honestly i wrote this months ago-- it was gonna be a victorian-era vampire wlw romance + vincent is gay? i don't know. it's really bizarre.

anyways. i sort of cheated by using an old one-shot. shhhhhh don't kill me dauntless

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