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wowowow thirty days of writing prompts-- i'm proud to say i /survived/ and even if i published them at like 11:00pm at night of the assigned day, I GOT IT ALL DONE :D

thank you thank you thank you DauntlessShadowIce1 because you rock and without you, i would've had a very unproductive writing month of june :3

also thanks for reading all the way through because these got crappy at times, and so,,, uh,,,,,,, you deserve a cookie for putting up with my too-short entries and too-long ones :)

anyways,,,, here's my usual shameless plug:

if you like poetry, go read to the dreamers (by me)

if you like mlm shit, you should definitely check out two weeks in europe (by me)

if you like all-around queerness, read if we found heaven (by me) because it has a little bit of everything i guess

if you like wlw shit, you should read falling for astrid (by me) which i should probably finish at some point lmao

if you like short stories, you might wanna check out alex and theodore (by me) or neverland (by me)

and if you're depressed and want to read depressing crap, you should take a look at a patchwork quilt of maybes and almosts (by guess who? yup, me)

^ this leads me to believe that i publish wayy too much stuff on wattpad... oh well :P

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