Found You!

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Nothing's worse than a shitty day at work, especially when you are constantly harassed by male clients, desperate for a look at your ass.

Anne was a 42 year old bombshell, with a huge ass, lovely perky round breasts and a beautiful face. However, as of late, she has been very stressed.

She currently works as a waitress in a new restaurant in the town centre, which has become very popular very quickly. She has been swept off of her feet workwise with little time for breaks. On top of that, she has been cat called and sexually harassed by multiple males as she tried to serve them or others.

She had always had a hatred for men, now even more so, but she couldn't just stick up for herself, or she'd be fired, and this job she has now pays the bills, so...

When she arrived home, she kicked off her shoes and quickly hurried to the fridge, her stomach commanding her to do so as it's growls sent ripples through the entire house.

It's lucky she lives alone, so no one sees what she does when she's stressed, it'd be quite embarrassing really. She tends to eat a lot and then loses the calories due to her high metabolism.

She flung the fridge door open, only to see that the food had been either half eaten, or there were chunks missing. She would normally be very confused, but this isn't the first time it has happened.

Over the past month, this has happened religiously, everyday, without fail. She doesn't know how it happens or what could be eating her food.

'Oh well,' she sighed as she began to solemnly walk into her lounge when-


what is that?! A shriek of terror came from Anne as she quickly raised her foot into the air, she had seen a small bug on the floor. She was about to smash it to smithereens with her foot when...

It spoke English? She was sure she could make out the squeals coming from the creature to be English.

She moved her foot away and crouched down examining the creature. Oh-My-God it can speak English!

Upon further examination Anne made a theory that this creature was actually a human? The tiny creature quickly scurried away, but because of the size distance between the two, it was quickly covered by the monstrous shadow of Anne's hand as she reached out for it.

'Oh no honey you aren't escaping me

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'Oh no honey you aren't escaping me.' Her voice boomed.

The tiny creature was stunned and desperately spun around, looking for a way to escape. Because he definitely knew he wasn't safe with this giant creature, not after what he saw she was capable of.

He had been living in Anne's walls for the past month, taking small amounts of food from the fridge to keep himself alive. He constantly witnessed her stress eating and the excessively loud shits that followed. Originally he and a few friends awoke one morning, the size of ants.

They took shelter in the nearest home, Anne's, and tried their best to survive. But over the course of their time there, all of his comrades had met their ends by being crushed by her feet, against the sofa via her ass, or the most unfortunate got stuck in a pot of pasta and was subsequently devoured by the woman.

However, Bill was the first to be noticed by Anne, and he was the only one remaining. She held him close to her massive eyeball, which was around twice his size, and she examined him.

'I think I know where all of my food has been disappearing to.' Anne said disappointedly as if she was speaking to a toddler. 'I could really use a stress relief round about now and I think you would be the perfect little pet! I could feed you, take care of you, play with you...'

The emphasis on the last part scared Bill. Anne seemed to be getting really excited before a terrifying noise was heard. Anne's stomach growled, reminding her how fatally hungry she was, and the lack of food in the fridge.

Anne sighed, 'Unfortunately little one, you have stolen all of my food and I am deathly hungry'

She looked at him, down to her stomach and then back at him, before licking her lips. Bill turned around and tried to run, but couldn't escape as he was too slow, and a fall from the height of which her hand was at would definitely be fatal.

He sobbed as her hand got closer and closer to her mouth, eventually engulfing him. Him let out one last prayer before being sucked down Anne's throat in one, final, gulp.

Anne moaned at the taste of the tiny man, before her attention was grabbed by her stomach once again. Showing her that it was content with her most recent meal, she let out a ghastly fart before hurrying off to the toilet to release him from her bowels...

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