Giantess Girlfriend

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Carl was a caring guy, he worked a 9-5 office job. As a result of his extensive work life, his love life has always been pretty lack-luster, he hasn't been able to spend enough time with any women he's met, not had the time to meet anyone.

He has had one woman in his life for a long time though, Gianna. She has always been obsessed with Carl, always had a major crush on him.

He has never been attracted to Gianna, but since he's a nice guy, he always has to make up excuses for why he wouldn't date her.

The most recent conversation they had went like this:
Gianna: Hey x
Carl: Hi
Gianna: There's this new place in town, Merry Mint Inn. Just wondering if you wanted to go this weekend x ;)
Carl: Ummm, pretty busy this weekend
Gianna: Maybe next weekend then? x
Carl: I'm sorry Gianna, I don't date short girls. It just wouldn't work

Gianna was a very attractive girl, but came across very stalkerish at times, which is one of the main reason Carl doesn't like her, he sees her as a psychopath.

Gianna was also a very short girl, she stood at 5'3, quite the opposite of Carl's 6 foot. She had bristly blonde hair and beautiful hazel eyes.

Carl was at work one Tuesday morning, typing away. He worked on the eighth floor of a skyscraper in New York City. He was in his own world, writing up documents when all of a sudden,


It was a loud crashing sound, followed by shrieks of terror. Carl ignored it and continued working when the tremors from outside grew closer and louder.

They felt like mini earthquakes, causing panic amongst the offices. Carl took shelter under his desk with a couple of his coworkers.

He looked from beyond his desk to the window, seemingly seeing a giant pair of breasts, coated in a red bikini.

He looked confused and got up from behind his desk, walking closer to the window. The breasts disappeared and a giant eye pressed against the glass. Carl instantly recognised the hazel eye.

'Gianna?' He muttered before the rest of the skyscraper above him disappeared. He looked up to see a giant Gianna, holding the top of the skyscraper in her hands.

She looked into it before throwing it away across the city. 'Well hi there sweetie!' Carl heard Gianna bellow.

Screams could be heard from the office as the city erupted into chaos behind the giant woman.

'Hey sweetheart, show me your tits!' A man yelled from a balcony behind Gianna. Gianna turned to the man and grabbed him.

Carl could see Gianna with the man, she dangled him in the air like a child playing with a toy.

Everyone's looks of shock turned to terror as Gianna dropped the man into her mouth and began to chew on him.

Screams were drowned out by the constant crunches of the man before she swallowed. She smiled at Carl, revealing her bloodstained teeth.

She reached out for Carl before being halted by the appearance of a female colleague running towards him.

She made a disgruntled face and made a fist, before slamming her fist down onto the woman, crushing her instantly.

Carl shrieked in terror as she grabbed him and began to walk off, placing him on top of a building so she could speak to him.

'Am I still too short for you Carl!' She yelled flirtatiously

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'Am I still too short for you Carl!' She yelled flirtatiously. She twiddled her hair as Carl shuddered. 'I want you to be my boyfriend Carl, no one else in your life, you will be mine!'

Carl tried to escape by running the opposite direction but he was quickly caught and plucked up by Gianna's giant fingers.

'Not so fast little boy toy!' She giggled.

She kept Carl in her hand as she began to walk off to the mountains, where she would live with Carl forever...

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