After inheriting the powers of the Colossal Titan, Armin has been visiting Annie deep underground there is nothing wrong with that, but what makes it weird is the fact that he only visits her when she's asleep. Kind of creepy if you ask me.
Today was one of those days. He was sitting on the floor directly in front of her cell with the shell he found in the ocean.
"I realize that you most likely find it creepy that I visit you all the time, but I figured you get lonely down here. You've probably heard of everything that has been going on. I'm just here to explain it all to you, but for that, I must back-track three years ago.
It was late night. A ship from Marley came to scout the island of Paradis after the news of the Warrior Unit's defeat.
"These damn island Devils. They managed to defeat our Warrior Unit. We need to find out what they are doing now and relay the information back to Marley." a Marlyean general said.
Their ship was then lifted up by something underneath. They all held on for dear life as the force from underneath brought their ship toward land. The ship was thrown to the ground, and they all saw Eren's Titan.
Hanji ran to the ship to introduce herself and the Island of Paradis.
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen of Marley! Welcome to Paradis Island! Nice to meet ya' my name is Hanji and it's an honor to welcome guests who have sailed from so far across the sea to come here! The trip must've left you exhausted so why not join us for some tea!" Hanji welcomed her guests with her usual energetic and jolly voice.
All the soldiers on the ship drew their weapons and aimed them at Hanji.
"Marley doesn't negotiate with filthy bloods like you and we're certainly not going to sit down and drink some pig piss you call tea!"
"UH!!! Are ya' sure 'bout that! Maybe you should be more polite unless you want to piss off that Titan glooming behind you!"
They looked behind and saw Eren just staring down on them. They all began to panic except for certain members of the fleet. Yelena, Onyankopon, and other soldiers surrounded the area, aimed their rifles at the Marlyean soldiers, and killed them.
"I accept the invitation, Hanji. Let's have some tea."
While Levi, Hanji, and Yelena discussed, the others waited outside.
"That tall lady killed her captain with no hesitation. What do you think she's up to?" Connie asked.
"Couldn't say. Even if she's on our side, we obviously can't trust her. " Jean stated.
"Yeah, but this is a great opportunity to gather information. We're really lucky we found them." Armin said.
"I doubt it was luck. They were planning on coming here no matter what. We don't know how many more of those ships Marley plans on sending our way, if Marley decides to come in by force, we could be done for." Eren stated in a relaxed tone.
Everyone just looked at him weird. He sounded far too relaxed to say something like that.
"You've been too lax lately." Jean said.
"They won't achieve much. Not while I'm around." Eren thought.
A meeting was being held with the Queen as they were discussing matters about letting Zeke into Paradis.
"Zeke claims that he could save the Eldian people-" Hanji said. She only managed to read a couple words from a sentence before the Military Police began shouting calling out all the claim being made.

In an Alternate Reality IV
FanfictionFour years have passed. War has now been declared. The Great Nation of Marley wishes to exterminate the entire Eldia race, but will they achieve? Eren Jaeger has grown more powerful. In Paradis he is known as a hero. On the other side of the sea, he...