Thank You (A/N)

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Thank you...That's all I have to say really.

I started watching AoT in November of 2020. I binge watched all three season and caught up with the manga because I loved the story. I kept up with AoT season 4 after that and that led to me creating this account. 

I created this account in the middle of December which was honestly the darkest time of my life. I was fuxcking depressed and I was already dealing with horrible levels of anxiety. I created this account mainly just to read book. I never had the intention of writing a book until the "God of Titans" series. 

I read the books and I was like, "Oh, shit. This is actually very good. It looks quite fun.". And so I started writing in the middle of January of this year. 

I didn't have a single fuxcking clue what I was doing. I hated English class and hated reading and or writing in general. That's saying something, honestly. Anyways, I'm going a little bit off topic here. What I was saying, I didn't have a clue. Through out the first book I didn't know. And even in the second. It wasn't until the ending of the second where I wrote the confession scene. That was when I started to get into it. 

I enjoyed writing this 4 book series, honestly. I never once got the idea of quitting. Looking back at the first books, I was horrible at writing and most still stayed for the ride. Which is honestly baffling. I never thought these books would become so "popular" I guess. 

This is all I've got to say...Um. Yeah. This won't be the last you see of me. Imma take like a week or a couple days break before I write something else. (AoT related btw)

Well...This was the end of the series.

Have a good one...For now.

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