The skeleton kept extending and showed no signs of stopping. The fierce gusts of wind being produce was felt all through Paradis. Buildings in Shinganshina fell apart and the walls began to crack.
The Squad still back at the capital felt the never-ending power of Eren's transformation and were left speechless. It almost made the air feel dense and it also made them feel helpless to stop Eren's Founding Titan.
This was the pinnacle of raw power. The strongest being to ever grace this planet. A being stronger than the Creator, Ymir Fritz. They've all witnessed the monstrous levels of strength Eren wields especially when he's angered, but this different. This was power on a much higher magnitude than what they've seen or felt.
"Armin...Are you sure...We can bring Eren down?" Connie asked terrified.
"Yes." Armin simply said he didn't sound scared or unprepared. It was only him and Mikasa who didn't look phased by the sheer power that radiated from the orb,
"What's going?" Someone behind them said. They all slowly turned and saw Levi walking toward them.
"Don't tell me that's Jaeger." Levi said with clear signs of anger in his voice. Rightfully so Eren stopped Levi without even trying. Levi drove a blade in his chest, and he started laughing. Who wouldn't get mad at that.
"Hey! What's all the commotion about?!" Somebody else said. This time, It was Hanji.
"Commander? Where have you been-Nevermind...It's good enough that you're fine." Armin said.
"I was at a meeting when I heard about everything that was going on- What is that thing?" She exclaimed.
"That's Eren..." Mikasa simply said.
The skeleton kept expanding at a much quicker rate and the wind grew fiercer. Fierce enough to make them stumble back. Gabi was watching over Falco, who was unconscious after eating the Jaw, were sent flying back and were about to hit the building. Luckily, Mikasa caught them before they hit the wall. She held on to them tightly, so they won't get hurt and launched a hook to the ground to sustain herself.
They all hooked on to the ground, but it wasn't holding up. Their hooks were ripped off the ground and they were sent flying back to the wall. They couldn't move even if they tried the wind was too great.
The wind died down and when they all looked up, they saw a behemoth of a Titan. It was at least 10 times as big as the Colossal Titan and was made of bone. There was no skin or muscle. It was a 600m skeleton with the face of a Devil.
The earth began to rumble and the cracks on the walls grew larger. Pieces of the wall began to fall which revealed the millions of Colossal Titan hidden inside them. The wall collapsed and the Wall Titans came to live.
The Rumbling has begun...
The Walls Titan began their march. Their march for destruction. They will flatten anyone and anything that stands in their way.
The Squad just stood there horrified. The power being radiated was godly. It made them feel like nothing compared to him, but there's always a way to bring down even the strongest of people. Eren is no exception to that rule.
"You think there's any chance Eren's on our side, Armin?" Jean asked.
"I'm not sure...But he obviously wants us to fight him." Armin stated.
"What makes you say that?" Sasha asked.
"Well..." Armin said then looked back at Falco.
"He gave us that Syringe. If he didn't want us to intervene, he wouldn't have given it to me and he would've killed us when he had the chance.... However... there's no saying which side he's on."
In the Titan Realm, Eren was stood still as he commenced the Rumbling. Zeke was behind him with a defeated look on him. A ray of light shone on Eren, and his hair blew upwards.
"Everything that I have done since the beginning has led to this. I was destined to do this ever since I was born...This plan was set in stone from an Alternate Reality."
"Eren, don't!" Zeke exclaimed, but Eren simply ignored him.
"Now...Let's begin...They will feel my wrath. They will feel my words through their bones...I'm not going to spare a single one of them."
There was only silence among the Squad. The only thing they could hear was the Wall Titan's march. All their mouths were open ajar when their bodies froze and their vision darkened.
"Hear me, all Subjects of Ymir..."
They woke up in the Titan Realm and the first thing they noticed was the crowds of people looking up at the Coordinate's Nine Paths. They all slowly stood up and looked around. Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Pieck, Reiner, Levi, Gabi, Falco, and Hanji were all grouped together.
"What the-?" Jean exclaimed.
"Was that Eren's voice?" Connie asked.
But no one responded they were all too focused on the massive tree like structure that covered the infinite space that was the Titan Realm. Their trance like state was broken when two voices played. It was Eren's voice combined with a much rougher and deeper one
"My name is Eren Jaeger. I now speak to all the Subjects of Ymir by way of the Founding Titan's powers..."
"Every wall on the Island of Paradis will be unhardened. The Titans buried within them will begin to walk...My goal..."
"Is to protect the people of Paradis, who bore and raised me..."
"But Marley and its Allies wishes for the extinction of our people. Over countless years, their hatred has grown beyond this Island. They won't stop until they've killed every one of our people...I reject their desire..."
"The Titans of the Walls will trample and rumble all of the lands beyond this Island. Until the lives there...."
"Are eliminated from this world."

In an Alternate Reality IV
FanfictionFour years have passed. War has now been declared. The Great Nation of Marley wishes to exterminate the entire Eldia race, but will they achieve? Eren Jaeger has grown more powerful. In Paradis he is known as a hero. On the other side of the sea, he...