Last Stand

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Reiner and Annie landed and went straight for the Warhammer Titans. The Warhammers created hammers and tridents to fight. They all swung their weapons, but the teamwork between Reiner and Annie was sublime. They evaded every attack, they both hardened their fists, and with one punch blew their heads off.

Behind them, another orb of lightning formed, and the Cart Titan appeared. Pieck landed on Reiner's shoulder and others latched their hooks on to Annie.

There were hordes of Titans in front of them. All Nine Titans of the past. Some of the Titans caught the others' attention. Porco, Marcel, and Ymir's Jaw Titans. Grisha and Kruger's Attack Titan. It was going to be hard for them to pass the barricade of Titans.

"6 Colossal Titans. There's no way we can run past that." Levi said.

"It'd be a death trap.... I've got nothing left...I don't have a plan for this." Hanji said with slight hints of distress.

That was when something hit Mikasa. Back when they attacked Liberio.

"Back in Liberio...The Cart Titan detonated itself to save the Jaw from Eren. I don't know how durable and how useful it could be, but it's worth a try." Mikasa suggested.

"That's just about what I had in mind. It should at least give us time to pass by and reach the nape." Pieck stated.

Pieck jumped off Reiner's shoulder and jumped into the horde of Titans. All the Titans instantly tried to attack her, but then an explosion set off. The explosion cleared the path, but that wasn't enough.

Pieck transformed once more and jumped at more of the Titans and detonated herself. Her effort wasn't nearly enough. Titans just kept sprouting back.

"The Cart Titan has the highest endurance out of all the Nine Titans, but I can't keep doing this forever. Eren Jaeger's power is too much for even the entire Marlyean military. I can't do this."

All the Titans closed in on Pieck and surrounded her. The massive hands of the Colossal Titans were about to grab Pieck before they all seemingly disappeared.

All of the Titans completely disintegrated as a fierce gust of wind ripped them apart. Heaps of steam obscured all their vision.

"What just happened?" Hanji questioned.

"All the Titans disappeared! But how?" Connie asked.

"Don't tell me...."Levi said.

A dark figure walked through the steam. They couldn't make out who the figure was, but they could tell it was a person. The figure walked with his hands in his pockets and was about two or three inches taller than Levi.

The steam cleared and it revealed a hooded man. The man was wearing a black hoodie with the lower half of what resembled the Survey Corps uniform. The man took off his hood and everyone's eyes widened.

"E-E-E-Eren." They saw said in unison.

This Eren looked different. He had brown hair that reached his cheekbones, seafoam green eyes with hints of blue. His eyes had a red gleam of pure hate. There was an evil smile with a sadistic undertone, and it was creepy. It gave all of them goosebumps.

"Shit...This could be bad...I'll handle him." Levi said then walked toward the Eren.

"It's been too long, Levi." The Eren said.

"Where's the respect...Eren?"

Eren laughed at the question. He put a hand to his stomach and clenched it. His laugh was terrifying.

"That isn't the Eren I know." Mikasa told the Squad.

"I could figure out that much." Jean said.

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