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ACHARD the surname to the family who was more prejudice than the Malfoy's. They stuck to the traditional thinking of the sacred 28, that purebloods were the only exceptional wizards and witches. They took pride in their pure blood lineage and their traditions, looking down on those who didn't live up to their standards. They were untouchable and feared for the sole reason that that they were apart of the five clans that stood above the ministry. The Achard were blessed by a God to wield magic unlike no other, something more powerful than anyone could believe. They possessed the ability to wield light magic making them the very top of the food chain as light magic was one of the most powerful ancient magics to be used.

Despite the family being gifted with the skill to wield light magic it had not shown in any generations up until the birth of Elyna Ines Achard, a girl born to Katherine and Benedict Achard. A baby girl born on December 1st, head full of blonde curls and eyes as blue as the sky, specks of gold surrounding the iris.

Once her parents caught sight of that mark, a white sun engraved above her breastbone, her future was sealed. A heavy burden placed upon her shoulders from that day fourth, she was the official heir to the Achard family, roughly pulled by her family's standards. She was quickly thrown into training at a young age, training alongside her older brother, Cyril who tried his best to shield his baby sister's innocence from the cruelty of their family.

The day Cyril got his letter to attend Hogwarts was the day Elyna anxiously awaited for hers, her heart hopeful of the chance to leave the dark hallways of her home and the crushing responsibility of being the heir. Finally, a year later, Elyna's letter finally came the day she turned eleven and she couldn't hold the wide toothy smile from spreading across her face. Cyril had ruffled her hair to congratulate her, and her parents continued to warn her about half bloods and blood traitors, to stay far away from them and to never ever associate herself with them.

Elyna had just nodded her head at her parents' words before trying to go to bed too excited to get a good night's rest. The day she left for Hogwarts was the best day of her life, her parents had expressed their wishes for her to become slytherin like the rest of the family before Cyril had dragged her away from their nagging. He had left her in compartment with a kiss to the forehead before leaving to find his own friends. Elyna had sat in a compartment with a smaller child with brown curly hair and empty hazel eyes, a child by the name of Tom Riddle.


IT was now her fifth year at Hogwarts and Elyna had made plenty of friends including her two closest friends Charles Potter and Ingrid Martine. Charles was from a pureblood family and was the youngest person ever in Hogwarts to become Captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team in only his fourth year. He was one of the nicest people Elyna had ever met alongside her other best friend, Ingrid Martine.

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