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Elyna sat on the cold tiles of the restroom, her head pounding as she heaved over the toilet. She was freezing, shivering so hard, she thought the earth would quake. It was silent as everyone was at dinner, meaning she was all alone in her dorm. She sits there for a few more moments to gather herself before she wipes at her mouth, grimacing at the sight of blood. She shakily stands up to brace herself on the sink. She turns the sink on, rinsing her mouth of the remaining blood with cold water.

"Merlin, why is this happening to me?" She whispers, looking up at her reflection to try to touch her face up, not wanting anyone to worry about her. She was fine one moment ago and then the sudden nausea hit her like a train, luckily, she was already in her dorm. She breathes out and exits the bathroom at the exact moment, Ingrid enters the dorm, two letters in her hand as she hands one over to Elyna.

"Now why did you miss dinner missy?" Ingrid questions, eyeing Elyna who tries to grab the invite.

"I wasn't feeling the best, so I decided to skip" Elyna states, motioning for Ingrid to hand over the invite, smiling when she does. A warm hand was placed on her forehead as Ingrid hums, "You do feel a bit warm; do you want to go Madam Pomfrey?" Ingrid questions, beginning to worry for her friend. For as long as Ingrid has known Elyna, she has never once been sick and if she ever was, it was extremely short-lived as the girl was quick to heal.

"No, no, no, it's okay. I'm sure it's because I need rest, I've been staying up to study the material ahead of schedule." Elyna explains, hoping that she could just rest the sickness away, Ingrid slowly nods, "Why don't you rest? It's getting late anyways, come, let's brush your hair" Ingrid motions for her to sit in the chair, Elyna frowning.

"Oh, I wish I could, but I have to patrol tonight with Riddle" Elyna frowns, one because she did not feel good and two because she really did not want to see Riddle until she absolutely had to. Ingrid shakes her head, "I'm sure Riddle would understand the reason why you can't tonight, come now, sit down" Ingrid raises an eyebrow, almost challenging Elyna to resist.

"Or would you like me to get Cyril?" Ingrid asks after a moment of silence, sensing Elyna's refusal to sit and instead do her jobs at prefect but at the mention of her older brother, she stomps her foot childishly, a pout on her face.

"Now, now, there's no need to get Cyril, he'll get his panties in a bunch" Elyna mumbles, quick to sit down and allowing Ingrid to brush the mess of curls that were attached to her head. Ingrid made sure to be gentle with her hair, letting the room become silent as Elyna could feel herself become calmer. Her eyes closing as Ingrid began to braid her hair so It wouldn't get all over her whilst she slept. Her fingers pause as she ties the band around her hair, her worried gaze glancing at Elyna through the mirror.

"Are you sure you're alright? You're not lying to me?" Ingrid questions causing Elyna's eyes to open, peaking at her friend through the mirror. A reassuring smile spreads across Elyna's face, "Yes, there's no need to worry about me. Now, switch me spots so I can do yours!" Elyna exclaims, slowly lifting herself from the chair as she was still nauseous. Ingrid was quick to notice her friend's discomfort but chooses to stay silent, nodding at her words of 'reassurance', "Okay, whatever you say, I'll trust you on your wellbeing" Ingrid mutters, sitting down on the chair and letting Elyna brush her hair.

"Now, what is this I hear about Riddle and you going to Slughorn's party together? This will be Riddle's first time taking a date with him" Ingrid smirks, eyebrows quirking up almost implying something, watching Elyna roll her eyes. Of course, Ingrid would know first, she always seemed to know anything and everything. Elyna was sure if Ingrid didn't want to pursue fashion than she would make an exceptional informant for the ministry.

"Do not even think of implying what you are thinking! It is nothing more than a favor for Professor Slughorn. He basically begged us to go together, how could I refuse? You know I'm incapable of letting my professors down" She gently smacks Ingrid on the shoulder for her implications.

"As if, I would ever voluntarily go with Riddle" She fake gags, watching Ingrid roll her eyes at her antics, "I know you are no idiot, but you just might be blind. You may dislike Riddle very much, but he is extremely handsome. Those dark curls, steel blue eyes, and charming smile will make any girl melt" Ingrid winks through the mirror. Elyna's jaw drops how could her own best-friend betray her like this?!

"You know what, this conversation is over because talking so much about Riddle may make me even more sick than I already am" Elyna shakes her head, faking a faint so Ingrid would be quiet about Tom. Ingrid smiles at her acting, putting her hands up, "Alright, I'll stop talking about your archnemesis, but he is very handsome if you ever want to look at him..." she trails off avoiding the smack from Elyna this time around.

"Hey, watch the hair!" Ingrid giggles, allowing Elyna to continue braiding her so that they may rest. Elyna could feel herself zone out as Ingrid rambles about the newest fashion trends in the wizarding community. Her chest was beginning to tighten again and the familiar feeling of nauseous was swirling around her stomach, wanting to crawl up her throat. She pauses her braiding, inhaling and exhaling, before finishing Ingrid hair, fighting the nausea. Maybe a bit of sleep will do her right.

"Alright, let's go to bed, beauty sleep is always a necessity as we've got many things to do tomorrow" Ingrid states, clapping her hands as she walks over to the bed right beside Elyna's, their other roommates still at dinner as it was a bit early.

"Yes, maybe a bit of sleep will do me right" Elyna mumbles, crawling into her own bed and sinking into the fine silks.

She just hopes that the extra sleep will do her well and she also hopes that Tom won't be too mad about her skipping out on rounds with him tonight.


short chapter today but we'll be getting to the juicy stuff soon!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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